Saturday, January 14, 2017


Prior to the new year I had set a goal...
Goals for the next two weeks:

1) Create watchlists daily/develop patience and only trade what's on my WL > FOCUS only on Go-To-Setups

2) 100% compliance with pre-trading requirements prior to making the trade. If I stick to this plan = 0 ZOMBIE/REVENGE TRADES

3) Stop thinking about money and focus instead of making the right plays. The money will follow.

"Think of it this way, as traders, Our job is to be patient. Most of our time should be spent watching and waiting." -LX21
"Aim Small, Miss Small." -T. Sykes
"No one ever went broke locking in profits !!!"- Superman
I was able to stick to it on the first trading week but the commitment faded on my 2nd week..
From now on: 
On the first day of a new trading week:
Must recite the week goals and renew the commitment from last weeks goals..
New goals added:
4) Define the risk, set stop loss/profit targets prior to trade, control risk by appropriate position sizing.
Warrior Trading - Ross Cameron
I finally bit the bullet and took a mentorship program... I've bn following these 5 programs for over a year now and my thoughts on each..
1)  Tim Sykes - Profitly
... I initially applied to the millionaire challenge back in Dec 2014, tough times hit 2015 and I didn't have the capital to get into the challenge anymore.. Took a year's worth of Pennystocking Silver instead and watched all the videos in the library and reverse-engineered syke's trades instead.  Learned ALOT of the basics from tim, cons however is that he tends to blab/market 50%+ of the time in his videos.  He's also not very good at teaching specifics and is broadly talks about his strategy, Something that Mark Douglas pointed out about successful traders trying to teach.  BUT he's gotten ALOT LOT, SO MUCH BETTER than back in 2010.  NO ONE is perfect, but his persistence in always getting better got him to this point and should be an inspiration to all.His watchlist's are spot on the stocks that I do trade.. I just got in another year of PS frm January.
2)  Nathan Michaud - Investor's Underground
... I'm in for a quarter subscription from Dec.  The Watchlists/plays are mostly NASDAQ stocks which require a larger account to make the most of the smaller moves vs the microcap stocks that T.Sykes plays.  Very, very good community with all a good amount of the people there helping each other out.  I'll move here once I've got a good account size going
3)  Cameron Fous - Fous 4
... I was in here for a month back in Spring.. Watchlists are mostly based off technical back then, half are good, half have no catalyst and pure technical and some swings.  F3 Patterns and F1/Opening Range Breakouts solidified what I learned from T. Sykes... Fous is a much better teacher on the specifics of his strategy than Sykes.  He also was the initial push for me wanting to focus my trading on the first 2-3hrs of the day.  Cons - I ended my subscription early by 2wks to cancel the recurring but I lost access to the site and got the last 2 weeks of my "month's subscription"... Kinda pissed me off...
4)  Kunal Desai - Bulls on Wall Street
... I watch his free vids on youtube and I know his trades are more in between Ross Cameron's and Fous's.. Not really too interested in his mentorship program though because of the cons of the way the students put in capital to the "hedge fund account".  This is beneficial to alot of people, but puts me too much into a disadvantage.
5)  Ross Cameron - Warrior Trading
... Ross vids on youtube is what made me decide to finally make the move to the beginning of the day for trading.  I remember him trading the morning only using candlestick patterns/price action which at the time was scalping which scared the crap out of me since the moves were so quick.  Since I've re-started trading in mid-December and only during the market open, I've slowly gotten the hang of the volatility of the market open.  His way of reading price action is what I need right now since my current way of using the MACD/Lagging indicators is too slow (Even though it's ahead of using the 9ema or 13ema).
I attended Ross's webinar today and they had a good deal on their mentorship program.  SpeedTrader will rebate 100% of the program's cost through discounted commission rates.  This will be a 90 day course but I will need to meet SpeedTrader's 25k account minimum somehow... Ross's mentorship program also has the highest profitability rates of his student's as well as recommended by the online brokers themselves which talks for itself.. I'm excited to see how this goes....



I was still fazed out from Wednesday's trades... I should've taken the week off.. This setup was shit... 1h/2h/4h.. all the big TF were downward trends.. hence I traded AGAINST the trend...

01/13/2017 08:03:36 Bought 1000 TBIO @ 1.59
01/13/2017 09:01:50 Sold 1000 TBIO @ 1.36
Stopped out
01/13/2017  09:24:49 Bought 1000 TBIO @ 1.41
01/13/2017  09:32:15 Sold 1000 TBIO @ 1.26
Fckin 5m clearly showed a downtrend yet I'm hoping for a reversal?!?!?! It doesn't make sense
01/13/2017  10:31:33 Bought 2000 TBIO @ 1.51
01/13/2017  10:41:41 Sold 1000 TBIO @ 1.5
01/13/2017  10:50:50 Sold 1000 TBIO @ 1.3701
You'd think I'd be done for the day... This is clearly buying too early hoping for a reversal... I've alrdy made this mistake more than once already and I'm supposed to be papertrading reversal plays... FML... Looking back, If I was trading the price action instead of the MACD, I'd be able to get good trades... I was able to downsize finally after I took a deep breath and asked myself what LX21 had said... What would I do if I wasn't in a position.. If I would buy, I should either add or hold... But if I would sell... I should downsize which I did..
Mistake #1:  I traded against the trend
Mistake #2:  Should've paper traded this reversal play since this was not a go-to-setup yet.
Mistake #3:  Preserve your capital... I lost 600$ just to try out reversal trading... FML...



01/09/2017 12:03:54 Bought 100 ETRM @ 18.15
Bought ETRM mid-day =/ .. stop/loss'd o/n for gap up..
01/10/2017  09:14:24 Bought 100 ETRM @ 23
Up-sized my position pre-market on higher high.. 5m/15m/4h was uptrend pre-open, 1h was down
01/10/2017  09:31:13 Sold 200 ETRM @ 23.51
Closed my position on failed spike in open.. There was a delayed spike later on but I don't remember what I was doing..
01/10/2017 18:37:55 Bought 50 ETRM @ 27.52
01/11/2017 14:52:10 Sold 50 ETRM @ 22.48

Failed Gap-up.. It wasn't an ideal chart setup, not sure why I went long o/n this... stopped out asap pre-market below my intended s/l.


*** Warning:  I only had 2 day trades today.. This stock was alrdy up from 1.7 prior day on a go-to-setup ***
01/11/2017  09:14:31 Bought 800 BIOC @ 2.64
Bought Starter Position on b/o of pre-market high..
01/11/2017  09:21:50 Bought 1200 BIOC @ 2.8
Added to position prior to open.. 2.736 new avg.
01/11/2017  09:31:06 Sold 200 BIOC @ 3.0447
01/11/2017  09:31:06 Sold 800 BIOC @ 3.0401
Locked in Half profits when 1m candle failed to make a new high. s/l was halfway of the previous candle.
01/11/2017  09:32:47 Bought 1000 BIOC @ 2.8399
Re-added on b/o of open price level.. new avg 2.78795
01/11/2017  09:40:32 Sold 500 BIOC @ 2.94
01/11/2017  09:40:32 Sold 500 BIOC @ 2.93
I fckin looked at my P/L and saw I was up 600$ then spiked to 1,000$ then 1.5k+... Instead of locking in gains, I held on hoping for 2k+ and a stronger spike.... I got so greedy and failed to systematically lock-in my gains.. 6mins could've locked at 600$... 1min of which could've locked in 1.5$k for the day... stock broke back down under 3 and it took me another 4mins to lock in partial profits..
01/11/2017  09:42:47 Sold 1000 BIOC @ 2.6201

Got stopped out... =/ .. Fcking stopped out right at the bottom... could've been another +150-+300.. This is my fault for not spending time to chart out where the stop should've been...

AAAAND... I got my TD Ameritrade account frozen for going over my Pattern Day Trading Limit.... FML

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   E-Trade Account   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
01/11/17 9:30 AM EST Buy 800 BIOC Executed @ $3.0982 
01/11/17 9:30 AM EST Buy 100 BIOC Executed @ $3.0982 
01/11/17 9:30 AM EST Buy 100 BIOC Executed @ $3.0982
01/11/17 9:31 AM EST Sell 1000 BIOC Executed @ $3.0402
This is what I get for trying to manage my ToS trade along with a web-based trading for my E-Trade account... Got stopped out... I hate using this crap except that e-trade charges 100-150$ for their stupid platform... Dam trade was in and out in seconds and was too slow to execute..
01/11/17 9:31 AM EST PDT Qualification Warning !!!!! *** E-Trade ***
 This should've been it for the day... break even... but I was heated up from stupid drama from work, then it got worse when I missed out making $1k+ due to greed.. Guess who came along and showed up for a quick visit? Yes'sir, good old revenge trading... If I wasn't heated up from work, I knew I was done for the day when I left so much profits on the table... I can't blame it on drama from work though since I have no control over that, what I do have control over is whether I react to the bullshit or not...
01/11/17 9:52 AM EST Buy 1400 BIOC Executed @ $3.0694 
I was chasing..... Revenge trading time..
01/11/17 10:00 AM EST Sell 1400 BIOC Executed @ $2.8754
Stupid trend broke at 9:56 yet I kept hoping... took another 4mins and another 13cents for me to close out.
01/12/17 7:31 AM EST You have a Minimum Equity Call !!! E-trade Account Frozen...