Monday, April 23, 2018

Weekly Review Apr 4/5

RECAP Schedule for Last Week:
- Catch up Sykes/WT vids
- Finish DUX 1st vid
- Adjust WoH
- Visualize WoH and Whole Trading day Routine *Can do more of this*

- Screen Time
- Finish DUX 2nd vid *Still not done yet*

- Screen Time *MISSED!!! Woke up at 10*
- Refine WoH: Go To Setups

- Refine WoH *Turned this day into relax day upon eBene News, totally hungover all Sunday and missed wkly review*

- Show up for Screen Time / Show up for Watchlist Creation *This upcoming weeks focus is on WL*


Habits have been improving marginally consistently, it's not drastic but over time I do expect great gains.  I also feel more confident with progress gained but without the stress/burnout risk associated with ramping up progress

Schedule for the Current Week:
Tuesday GTOs
- Follow Schedule / WL Creation
- Dux 2nd Vid
- Visualize WoH and Whole Trading day Routine

Rest of Week
- Preparations / Travel / Move

- Account and get an assessment on how traveling will adversely affect habits and come up with systems for it.

"Once I have a system, the only thing that matters is the six inches between my ears..."

--------------------------- For Whenever-------------------------------
**** Gamblers think about profits, Traders think about Risk ****
Shifting my attitude/mindset from making money and towards:

1) Risk Management
- Have plan before trade
- Know risk prior to trade
- Know stop loss prior to trade
- Size position accordingly to the stop loss

2) Managing Emotions
- No more zombie trading
- No more revenge trading

3) Managing Mind
- Regular Meditations
- Objectivity Exercises

Mandatory Weekly Goals....
A) Zero (0) Zombie trades
B) Zero (0) Revenge trades
C) Trade only quality/Go-To-Setups.. (Think retired trader)

** Something I want to do in the future--Watch a stock's price action with NO indicators

Rule: If I have either 1 zombie trade or 1 revenge trade, I will sit out from trading for a mandatory 1 week cooling off. This will be a negative incentive that will turn me off from making those type of trades since almost all my motivation and raison d'ĂȘtre currently is daytrading.