Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Warrior Trading Style vs Old Style Update

WarriorTrading Pro Style vs Old Style

My biggest con with the WT Style is that it leads me to mimic the b/o of candles/1min micropullbacks to the higher priced stocks/bigger cap companies which JUST DOESN'T WORK and indulges me to scalp/overtrade which at the moment snowballs into revenge/emotional trading.

My 2nd biggest con is that it works on smallcaps but there will be entries where it will just whipsaw you past your arbitrary stop loss point as shown during Ross's March/April troubles during a non-bull market.

This last 2-3weeks, I've been playing more higher priced stocks with market caps $10-$100+ Billion dollars.  I feel much more comfortable playing these except for the fact that it makes me feel like the money and time i've spent in WTPro has been useless for the moment.  I know in the long run, WTPro is worth it as the content really is worth it, it's just that the style is just not for me at the moment.  I will be applying it once we have a hot market like a sector play or the January effect again though.

On 10 May 2017, I had 100 shares NVDA with avg of $111.6 to start the day.
On 16 May 2017, NVDA Closed the day ~$137

Instead of gaining ~20%-37%, I only got 3-4% of it...
NASTY Lesson... Biggest opportunity cost was the fact I tried micromanage/scalp NVDA positions instead of just swinging it.

I'm still going to be trading the style as planned til end of July but with an even more restrictive set of parameters and no more 1min micropullback trades.

AMD/INTEL/Nvidia Rumor and Manipulation

There's so much conflicts of interest in my opinion with analyst upgrades/downgrades and obvious manipulation when you read the tape.  This rumor from last year regarding Intel-Nvidia license agreement has resurfaced and is spiking AMD stock yet again even while the market is crashing from Trump/White House news of classified information being leaked to Russia by Trump.

Here's my thing, I remember reading the agreement a few months ago and the way I interpreted it is that Intel has access to ALL Nvidia patents PRIOR TO MARCH 31st, 2017.  Afterwards, any patent registered by Nvidia after said date is off-limits to Intel.

People are having the idea that ALL Nvidia Patents will be off-limits after March 31, 2017.  My biggest thing is that Intel STILL HAS access to Nvidia's Pre-March 31st patents and those technologies will still take a year or so to become obsolete to newer products.

I can't believe how there's so much sheep actually believing this and the fact that big name websites/sources are running them via copy+paste.  "AMD-Intel Deal as reported by Blah blah blah". IT'S NOT EVEN CONFIRMED by either AMD/INTC/NVDA yet their stocks are taking the spikes/hits.  It's sad to see that even with all the SEC Oversight, rampant manipulation is not just in penny stocks/smallcaps but in big names as well.. It's just more hidden....

This is just like when Goldman Sachs crashes AMD Stock just so they can purchase them at a discount >_< or Downgrades/Seeking Alpha posts Crash NVDA stock back in february/march saying earnings will be down when earnings was a full blowout instead. Bleh...whatever.. 3 out of 4 actively managed Mutual Funds fail to beat the indexes and that same ratio applies to analysts... So many professional idiots out there.... i really don't like investing anymore.. As a trader, all I need to care about is volatility and managing risk.




Shitty adds due to FOMO is coming up.  It's new that I've started to add into trades that are working, the problem is that the entries on the adds are sooo bad.  I end up stopping my whole position out which is better than what it was in the past where I would let it get to breakeven and lose all profits.


I Missed the entry I wanted and froze.  I didn't want to chase and go for a pullback since the price is still extended from the 1min/5min VWAP/MA.

WEEEEIIIIIBOOOO....  Chinese social media Facebook/Twitter hybrid.


The only Warrior Trading style trade of the day. Bought at the green arrow and sold 1/2 on 1st red arrow and rest at 2nd arrow.