Sunday, July 5, 2015

Starting this blog for the sole purpose of keeping track of my goals/thoughts/progress.

One week in studying day trading, was almost two weeks behind since i let the lessons stack before actually starting. Only a few days behind now, completed vid lesson #17, finally caught up. A few more days and i'll be caught up with the chatroom. Major stocks to watch for a crash are JIDG and NUGN.

Chart patterns/Plays somewhat familiar:
1) Buying technical breakouts
2) Shorting into the pump and dump

Things to work on:
1) Aim small, miss small.
2) Have a setup prior to your trade. What's your hypothesis? What's your risk/reward?
3) If things don't go according to your hypothesis, GET OUT !! Take small losses.

1) What's the PLAY?
2) How's the overall market?
3) How's the sector?
4) How's previous patterns?
5) What's the "Catalyst"?
6) What's your specific target/mental stop loss?
7) Check prior resistances/support on a 1week, 1month, 3month, 6month, 1yr, 3yr+ Timeframes.

During the trade:
1) Is it trending according to my hypothesis?
2) Have the hypothesis charted out as an easy to see visual next to the PC just cause i have a short memory.

Goals for the week: (Ends on 11 July 2015)
1) Minimum 4hrs/night studying and get caught up on the video lesson intros.
2) Get caught up with the chatroom and be able to follow the chatroom daily.

3) Start going through the other pinned vids in PS. Dashboard and video lessons starting from Jan 1, 2015 to get a feel of how the market is.

Goals for the upcoming months:
1) July 20: Start paper trading.
2) Aug 1-Aug 16: Master T.G. Ticker Tradings strategies.
3) End of Aug- Sept. 13 Deadline: Open 2 accounts IB/SureTrader.

Great Quotes:
1) Stick to Known Patterns
2) Aim Small, Miss Small
3) If things don't go according to plans, GET OUT !! Take the small losses
4) Be humble or else the Stock Market will humble you
5) Live and Enjoy life when there's NO great trades
6) Keep moving forward
7) Integrity and Excellence in all I do.

- Kaizen

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