Friday, February 26, 2016


Little rant first before i start off... As if i didn't learn enough from wednesday's stupidity.. I entered 2 trades out of boredom in the middle of the day.. Even though my rule is to buy 2-4pm and NEVER go in at lunchtime because it's hard to assess the trend due to the low volume, and you're not certain how the stock's going to react in the afternooon. I ended up getting scared out, one hit my mental stop loss and faked out/recovered. The other bounced off the vwap yet i got scared out anyways like a retard. I was right however in seeing that they were holding their gains, the main problem i felt was that there wasn't enough volume and i have no idea whether it was going to come back in the afternoon.


Bought 500 ENOC @ 6.2 10:42:15

Bought it cause i'm a retard and i like to not stick by the rules. Fading volume, entering into midday, not sticking to the plan and buy at 2-4pm on good volume..

Sold 500 ENOC @ 6.052 12:26:41

Got stopped out and still sloppy on executing on my mental loss.


Bought 1500 SUNE @ 1.67 11:13:37

Bought it cause i'm a double retard, if one retarded entry midday wasn't enough.. I'll beat it and make two stupid/impatient trades.

Sold 1500 SUNE @ 1.6001 11:46:51

Stupid entry, got scared out cause of low volume midday and unsure of how the afternoon is going to be.

Bought 1000 SUNE @ 1.71 15:47:32

IDEAL TRADE !! Finally My first ***** One this week.... Since i got scared out twice already earlier in teh day i only wen't half the size i normally would've on this trade.

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