Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Didn't see any plays worth and was gonna open a paper trading account but instead just traded on my real account.. -_- went against my specific rules i laid out 2wks ago..

I knew at the buy that this was gonna be a forced trade and away from the sykes strategies.. I was fine with the risk/loss but what i am not fine with was that i didn't even follow my own PERSONAL strategy that i had laid out. Pure speculation play off the charts with a lot of hope. I knew with conviction i shouldn't trade this but i went ahead anyways.

** Next time no ideal plays are in play, I will switch to the paper trading account option to test my strategies from there and instead of my real account.

ADDED 25 Feb 2016:
... I fell asleep before the market open and woke up at around 1pm market time.. felt like no plays were in the day. WATT was a good one cept i was asleep for it, nothing in the PM looked good and ETSY is failing throughout the day as a possible play. I was too antsy, felt like i needed to trade, was without internet for more than a week and was away from the market for 2wks. I was out of touch of the market yet i forced a trade, a trade i normally wouldn't have made. More mistakes yet again and again it was more emotional than the strategy itself.. I can finally see why some of sykes students had gradually shifted to other plays/strategies to keep them preoccupied. Impatience was my top downfall today and slightly less of a greediness.

Things to work on:

- IMPATIENCE- Today's #1 downfall; If i want to test out my own strategies, it will be using a paper trading account. Forced a trade i normally wouldn't have done since it was not an ideal play.

- HOPE/Greed- Even though i technically chased by a ton and almost bought the top, there was 3 opportunities where i could have sold for a small profit/breakeven. After I entered the trade, I found out that my personal strategy using RSI/MACD told me the trend was already broken after I entered, I still ignored my Personal strategy/checklist and "hoped" the stock would maintain the uptrend, After it failing twice, I still "hoped" it would uptrend when in fact it was clearly in a downtrend/support had broken..

- Preparation- I don't think you can ever prepare enough for the market day. However, i'm nowhere near where i want to be as far as preparedness prior to the opening bell. I still have yet to run my own scans and still using sykes/grittani's watchlist to look at stocks.

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