Thursday, April 14, 2016



I was planning on getting back in the game but ended up sleeping 16hrs straight yesterday.. This was the opportunity cost of that.... Nice pattern i would've dip bought at 1.8 or at 2$ breakout...

Oh wellz,.. "Live and Learn".. RPRX was introduced to me by a good friend Greg that also trades. RPRX looked ripe for a nice spike with overhead resistance nowhere near it above...

Some would consider the first 2 1-minute candles as an F1 breakout in the open.. Wanted to buy in but was too fast for me.. Closed ToS and went out the office to check on greg's trade.

While watching him, i saw a bigger and better formed F1 Pattern forming at 2.8.. Wanted to get in at 2.8 but it spiked  to 2.85 and didn't want to chase.. A better entry would've been a dip buy off the bounce at 13EMA. It's the first time i've actively watched a stock using 13EMA and it woud've been a good risk-reward with an upside to 3.

I was looking to buy in one last time on the breakout past 3. 1500 Shares buy order sent as it broke 3.01>3.04.... Felt good, heart was racing... As it neared 3.3 which was where i planned to take my profit.. I double checked my order and noticed it was still open. I had placed a limit order at 2.43 instead of having it to a 1500 MKT BUY Order like i wanted.. Damn order was still open... Canceled the damn thing and spent a few mins smh feeling stupid of my fat finger mistake... Hey, it's been 5weeks since my last trade.. So much stuff going on getting ready to move from japan back home and i'm a little rusty... No biggie.. just lost on a potential easy $700+ Profit due to a small ass lack of attention to detail/mistake... FML !!

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