Sunday, July 30, 2017

Returning to the old me

You don't need to be someone else, you just need to return to the old you. So often we think that to break our bad habits, we need to become an entirely new person. The truth is that you already have it in you to be someone without your bad habits. In fact, it's very unlikely that you had these bad habits all of your life. You don't need to quit smoking, you just need to return to being a non–smoker. You don't need to transform into a healthy person, you just need to return to being healthy. Even if it was years ago, you have already lived without this bad habit, which means you can most definitely do it again. - James Clear

Friday, July 28, 2017

AMD, NVDA, Targeting my bad habits


AMD hit ~13.7ish.  I know that I most likely wouldn't have held that long as it is. But because I gave in to fear and didn't follow the plan I had setup with a $20 loss as my risk.  I accepted at $12 loss and missed out on a potential ~<$180 profit.  Overall, I think this is the first time i've developed a short plan ahead of time with specificity.  Best planning yet, but execution and handling my emotions was the key problem here.  On top of planning ahead, I MUST ALSO, play out the trade AND EMOTIONS through my head ahead of time.


This was just a nice swing I had.  My entry was too early and was in the red for a week but didn't hit my stop loss.  The 1st green line is pointing to the wrong candle there then I started adding on the way up.  The last 2 adds were speculative and lost money on it but I had adjusted my risk and had trailing stops in place to lock in profits.  Overall, Initial entry could have been alot better, but the adds and exits were spot on as planned.  Note:  I used hard stops for my swings since I don't babysit them all day.


My analysis and planning on paper is now profitable but the execution is where i'm struggling alot.  I have learned from my mistakes and created systems to mitigate them but I struggle in the execution of the plans.  This is habitual and my main priority for this next week is to dissect my bad habits and find a way to change them for the better.

HIT LIST for the week til Aug 3rd, 2017:
1)  Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
2)  Smarter, Faster, Better by Charles Duhigg
3)  Emotional IQ 2.0 by Travis Bradberry
4)  Listening to Grant Cardone Daily

Friday, July 7, 2017



I got freaked out of my position due to the VSTM trade. =/  Sigh... Back to basics for me..


Back to basics for me... The setup was a 2* and was trading in a range from yesterday's highs and afternoon lows... I also doubled up on my position and overtraded it a total of 3 times...

July Goals
- Finish Arick's Videos
- Finish the 2 most recent weeks of Pennystocking Silver
- Finish Spikeability

- Go back to how I was trading back in Dec/January taking a position size based on support instead of an arbitrary 10cent loss.  Maximum loss per trade will be 60$ and I will not enter a position more than 30cents from the support.

CLSN, MSDI, Warrior Trading


Acted on Guru talking for the 4th time.  Buy high to sell higher just whipsaws so bad for me.  It's best to buy low on support and sell high. sigh.. fml..


I couldn't decide pre-market where to set my stop at either 1.5 or 1.55.. I ended up ignoring the wick.  Bell rings and it sells off with me getting stopped out and saw that it was holding 1.5 -_-... so sad.  I entered back in once it broke the pivot point I was looking for.  Had multiple buy and sells, overtraded it on the way up.. I got out of red but all the commissions ate up most of my realized gains.


So I've given it some time and scalping really isn't for me and i'm far more comfortable at Sykes/IU's style of trading.  One major help from WT though is that if it feels like i'm entering a position WT style.. it's a good chance i'm chasing..

Monday, July 3, 2017

SPEX, MSDI, Return to DayTrading



Basically, I chased on both and I knew I missed my opportunity at 3.5 on SPEX but I caught myself listening to Ross for 5min PB over 3.7.  It wasn't the best 5min PB at all but I still got influenced listening to him... Sigh... 5mins After the bell rings, I'll be turning off the chatroom from now on.

Both Entries on SPEX/MSDI were way far from the EMA...