Sunday, September 17, 2017

Weekly Review

1)  Revenge traded on TRIG/BTC, missed a play that I was stalking for 4hours.  It went off 10minutes after I stopped stalking.  Chased high and instead of cutting it for a small loss, justified holding it til friday night since there's a news play even though it was two days out.  I at least took only a partial size since I was aware I was chasing / hot headed, the best behavior there was just to sit out.  I went in just to fill the emotional needs of FOMO and revenge.
I'm alot more self-aware than I am a few months ago and paused just enough to only take a partial position.  I still haven't applied a system for this so even though this was still a preventable mistake, I feel better since at least I knew what I was going into.  This was my biggest % loss in trading in whole--50% loss in 2 days, 0.43 BTC to .21BTC.  I eventually climbed back to where I was but this was a very, very good lesson in cutting losses quickly, never going for homeruns and that I HATE news plays with a passion now.  PRICE ACTION > NEWS always !!

2)  Revenge traded on EDGE/BTC, this one wasn't as bad.  Still lost 15%--0.7BTC but this was because I chased a stock after missing getting filled by a fraction of a penny. I was away from the computer and I need to accept that being away from the computer I will miss plays.

I actually feel good that I lost money this week cause there was nothing to learn from other than how it feels to be consistent.  It felt too good that in the first two weeks, I had an 85%+ winning percentage.  I lost about 1-3% max on losses while I gained a range of 5-10% when I won.  No more experiments and just going to stick with what I know and i'mma always set a risk of 3% max on every play.

The more I'm in crypto the more that I realize I'm not liking it as much as stocks.  There is alot more potential and %gains in cryptos but I don't think i'll be in it for the long term.  I'mma stay in cryptos for til I move back to stocks in December just because there's more plays for me to apply what i've been learning as far as controlling my bad habits/developing good habits and learning to read the price action.

Stopping Crypto Trading for a week:

Biggest things to apply fixes on:

Actually set up a system for my bad habits:
1) Revenge trading
2) FOMO/Chasing
3) Boredom/Zombie/Over--Trading

I've had come up with a system for revenge/fomo trading in the past but I haven't applied a system to fix the habit itself.  That's what my focus on this coming week.

4) Mental Exercises:  Visualize the trade prior to the trade. This is something that I had been planning but haven't had the chance to apply yet.
-  Flat Top Breakout
- MA Pullback/Ascending Triangles
- What to do when the chart is not working
- What to do when I missed the play and experiencing FOMO
- What to do when I get mad and want to revenge trade
- What to do when I get bored and there's nothing moving

Habits Update
- Setup a Morning Ritual to help with discipline/consistency
- Setup a Bedtime Ritual to help with consistency

(Last weeks Marks for the week:)*
Need to work consistency with 5min daily journaling
I'm still way off on it. On the mornings where I have to rush to get to work i'll miss the journaling. I tried for a week waking up an hour early from work to get the important things done but I have just been too lazy to do so since I prefer not to wake up early prior to work. After my PT Test this week i'mma change it up to an hour early and just suck it up since it's what's best for me.
Getting better on the Morning Ritual, even though I hate it--i'll be waking up an hour earlier for work so that I have enough time to prepare for the day.  This'll help me setup for trading, i'll actually have a habit of preparing and being prepared for the day instead of winging it when I trade.

As far as the end of day journaling, I'mma test attaching it to a cue that I already do every night before I go to sleep which is: (Insert something that I do before I go to bed here). Yep, that's my problem--I will test stuff up this week.
Still in progress

Need to work on reading pages of actual books and not just articles of the intended topics
Haven't read up on pages of actual books but as a backup, I've been very consistent in listening to 1hr of audiobooks / day on the way to work/on the way home.
Not bad, I found a computer at work where I can access the profitly as well as my books.  I was able to put some study hours in at work and will be pumping up the numbers this coming weeks.

Need to work on studying off the actual challenge material and not just general stocks/cryptos
yessshhh. Been a lot better this week since I've put the challenge material in front of everything else other than my flossing.
1 hour a day !!! That is my goal !!!

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