Thursday, October 19, 2017

Study habits, GRIT, Resilience, Profitable Trading Systems

Asked my sister a few questions that I've already guessed what the answers were going to be somewhat.  It was nice hearing it from her though so it wasn't me guessing probabilities or my mind telling me what the real "truth" was.

I've always felt that we think alike but we have our differences due to how our life experiences and goals are.  Funny/expected but at the same time creepy to hear that our study habits/patterns/preferences are exactly the same, so what was the reason that she was able to adapt from high school/college/med school where I failed going into high school/college > business life?

High school was easy for us.. College was easy for us.. Med school was NOT EASY for her but with GRIT and RESILIENCY she was able to adapt to what was needed to get through med school.  She had a goal but she didn't relish in the goal more than she focused on the process to get to it.  When she studied, she naturally got A's but that wasn't the main motivation to why she studied in the first place.  When I asked the question "what got you through?".  Her response was similar to responses of those who in studies was assessed to just happened to have a high amount of "Grit".

High school was easy for me.. College was easy for me.. Working/Self-employed status/Entrepreneurship was easy to learn and understand but NOT EASY to live through and apply.  When I was younger, whether I studied or not.. I'd get "A's".  When things got harder after college, when I "studied", it was so that I can get that "A".  Instead on focusing on the "process" of getting an "A", I lived the result instead--causing my productivity and results to collapse.  What made it worse was whenever I wasn't reaching my "personal expectations" or other people's "expectations of me", instead of getting back up and being resilient.-- I kept digging myself deeper and deeper into a hole til I mentally collapsed.

Don't tell your kid they're smart, instead praise them on their hardworking ethic or their discipline.  Telling them they're smart has a chance they'd actually believe it (delusional) and put little value on what it really takes to be "successful" which are grit, resiliency, discipline, etc.

I wish I knew the difference when I was younger.. IQ is not a measure of "smartness" or "subject-matter expert".  When I finally realized that I am not like majority of people and that I have a very high IQ is when I came to terms that IQ is OVERRATED, as more recent studies shows and seeing how forward-thinking companies hire.  Grit, overall ability to work in a team and social/emotional IQ synergy are bigger factors to better results than IQ ever was or will be.

Don't constantly compare others to your kids or your kids to others.  Comparing has its value of measuring your progress or having a goal to strive for but constantly comparing how others are more "successful" might cause your kid to have a sense of lacking something when they're fine the way they are.

Teach EXCELLENCE to your kids.  Aim or strive high but never push PERFECTION, instead push for excellence.  Humans naturally make mistakes and mistakes are vital for learning.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't a stab at parents out there.  I was also delusional and let my mind control me to the point that I guess I was "depressed".  I still see things and hear things but thankfully i'm grounded to this reality somehow and don't fall to other side like those i've seen with full blown mania.  This is just something to accept as it is and move forward from it.  Increasing awareness really was a big thing it kinda sucks because I have a troop that I know is depressed but is hard for him to realize that he's depressed.  I'm resorting to the mental health clinic last since I know how easy they are to push meds in the military instead of teaching him how to deal with it.

It's sad that we're still teaching Id, Ego, SuperEgo and it needs to be removed from books.  Freud was on to something (albeit completely off) when he came up with it but the Greeks, Romans, Hindus, Buddhists, Native Americans, others (I haven't studied anything middle eastern, african, etc) have already had come up with a much more refined explanation of the human psyche. Most of his shit, we've moved on from--let's move on from id, ego, superego cause this bullshit is still what we base psychoanalysis on.. But it is what it is, this is one of the things i've fought against mentally for years but just come to accept which is majority and a great majority of people are stupid (including cough mental health professors who flunked me) relative to meeeeeeeeeee ;D.  Meds aren't the solution for everything and mental health at Tinker AFB/Kadena AB is shit.

Why are all this important?  There are no trading systems that are 100%.  Even the best profitable traders like George Soros are happy with 60% edge or even 51%.  But growing up, you have been conditioned that anything less than 90% is a FAIL or if you aren't #1 you have failed.  Don't aim for PERFECTION, instead aim for EXCELLENCE.  You will FAIL and make mistakes in trading, but as long as you limit your risk and let your profits run-- you will be profitable.

"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."  - Nietzche

When I stare into the stock market, its like looking at a mirror.  It's so strange, i've heard someone say it before but what you are as a person is what the stock market will spit back at you.  If your a disciplined person, your trades will be disciplined; if your messed up in the head, your trades will also be messed up.  I've got alot of work to do..

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