Monday, April 30, 2018

Weekly Review Apr 5/5

RECAP Schedule for Last Week:

- Preparations / Travel / Move

- Account and get an assessment on how traveling will adversely affect habits and come up with systems for it.

Everything pretty much froze while I was going through the move.  I'm now in houston, time to play catch up.

Schedule for the Current Week:
Tuesday GTOs
- Catch up on vids
- Finish DUX vid / refine WoH

Rest of Week
- Get back into habits
- Assess how I quickly adjust back to routines while traveling

1) Getting into a routine while traveling is pretty much uncharted territory right now.  I can already expect it to be tough but we'll see how well I adapt to doing what needs to get done while on the road and adjust from there.  I might or might not consider logging daily for the meantime.

2) Increase attention and active listening during convos with other people.  Increase frequency of attaining the observing self during the course of the day.

"Once I have a system, the only thing that matters is the six inches between my ears..."

--------------------------- For Whenever-------------------------------
**** Gamblers think about profits, Traders think about Risk ****
Shifting my attitude/mindset from making money and towards:

1) Risk Management
- Have plan before trade
- Know risk prior to trade
- Know stop loss prior to trade
- Size position accordingly to the stop loss

2) Managing Emotions
- No more zombie trading
- No more revenge trading

3) Managing Mind
- Regular Meditations
- Objectivity Exercises

Mandatory Weekly Goals....
A) Zero (0) Zombie trades
B) Zero (0) Revenge trades
C) Trade only quality/Go-To-Setups.. (Think retired trader)

** Something I want to do in the future--Watch a stock's price action with NO indicators

Rule: If I have either 1 zombie trade or 1 revenge trade, I will sit out from trading for a mandatory 1 week cooling off. This will be a negative incentive that will turn me off from making those type of trades since almost all my motivation and raison d'être currently is daytrading.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

WTrading/MChallenge, Midday Perk, Short Squeeze CHEK, ATOS

I don't plan on making entries daily unless it is something significant that I want to have recorded down.

Today, WT Trading from 830-1100 AM was very choppy.  Ross ended up losing a couple thou and a few times I was tempted to get into a position that wasn't one of my GTSetups.  Compared to last year, i'm much more aware of the thoughts/feelings/emotions going through my head and was able to just sit back and observe.  The emotions were still there but I was for alot more composed and not enter the scalp trades.  Early day momo ended with me just watching the market and slowly getting back into the groove of the small caps.

But I kept my monitors on and saw a couple of charts familiar to me.  The slight problem at the time for me is that this past year, i've grown sensitized to scalping which has a very fast tempo of trading.  The charts that I was looking at were familiar but of a vastly slower tempo.  I haven't seen this style/trading tempo in real time for more than a year and wasn't confident in playing it out.

Yes, sticking to one or two plays and staying away from opposite styles of trading is a good way to start.  But, I feel like I can handle both for now, I just need to visualize the setups more and refine the criteria for the GTSetups.  If it doesn't work out for me later, I can always cut back but right now I need to be putting in skin in the game alot to get through the learning curve again.


Around 11am, as I was starting to call it a day, I noticed a CHEK doing something I've seen before and formed a plan in my head for it and just watched it.  All my criteria was met but I settled on watching it for now.  CHEK spiked for what was to become the day's/week's hottest stock.  Next image is the aftermath of shorts getting squeezed.  I've seen this a few times in the past before already, consolidated/held under VWAP and once it broke VWAP/prior resistance levels, it squeezed to HOD and broke past that and squeezed even more shorts.

It consolidated again and squeezed up even higher.  Same play but since it was already extended past the 5min ema and VWAP, I didn't consider taking it.

Next image is how it ended the day.


After the first spike started becoming boring, traders jumped on ATOS.  It's a reverse split, shitty company.  It didn't have the typical spike and chart pattern since it was an RS, but it gapped above the previous day high trapping some shorts.  It wasn't the same exact pattern but still similar, consolidated under VWAP but above the previous day's high.  As soon as it broke through VWAP, it got squeezed into a halt.  After the halt, it opened and squeezed past the high from 2day's back and squeezed more shorts.  I would've pulled the trigger right when it was riding along the VWAP but I still paused.  I realized after the trade that I still need to refine my entry on this a little bit more and another reason for the pause was that I JUST REMOVED midday perks from my GTSetups.  Talk about rough lesson haha.

Unlike CHEK, ATOS just faded away in the PM til close.

Next image is CHEK and ATOS side by side to show the similarities/differences of the charts.

Today was a good day, I need to keep refining my routines and criteria for my GTSetups.  Today was also the first day where I started to take note of the volumes into my plan.  ATOS was an RS with no real resistances ahead so I treated it as a fresh chart.  Without taking note of the volume, I wouldve previously charted some resistance lines.  But with how I look at volume now, what I previously thought might be resistances aren't very good resistance areas at all.  This puts me one step ahead of early/new shorts who don't see it the way I do.

Anyways, ending the day.. keep grindin' forward..


Monday, April 23, 2018

Weekly Review Apr 4/5

RECAP Schedule for Last Week:
- Catch up Sykes/WT vids
- Finish DUX 1st vid
- Adjust WoH
- Visualize WoH and Whole Trading day Routine *Can do more of this*

- Screen Time
- Finish DUX 2nd vid *Still not done yet*

- Screen Time *MISSED!!! Woke up at 10*
- Refine WoH: Go To Setups

- Refine WoH *Turned this day into relax day upon eBene News, totally hungover all Sunday and missed wkly review*

- Show up for Screen Time / Show up for Watchlist Creation *This upcoming weeks focus is on WL*


Habits have been improving marginally consistently, it's not drastic but over time I do expect great gains.  I also feel more confident with progress gained but without the stress/burnout risk associated with ramping up progress

Schedule for the Current Week:
Tuesday GTOs
- Follow Schedule / WL Creation
- Dux 2nd Vid
- Visualize WoH and Whole Trading day Routine

Rest of Week
- Preparations / Travel / Move

- Account and get an assessment on how traveling will adversely affect habits and come up with systems for it.

"Once I have a system, the only thing that matters is the six inches between my ears..."

--------------------------- For Whenever-------------------------------
**** Gamblers think about profits, Traders think about Risk ****
Shifting my attitude/mindset from making money and towards:

1) Risk Management
- Have plan before trade
- Know risk prior to trade
- Know stop loss prior to trade
- Size position accordingly to the stop loss

2) Managing Emotions
- No more zombie trading
- No more revenge trading

3) Managing Mind
- Regular Meditations
- Objectivity Exercises

Mandatory Weekly Goals....
A) Zero (0) Zombie trades
B) Zero (0) Revenge trades
C) Trade only quality/Go-To-Setups.. (Think retired trader)

** Something I want to do in the future--Watch a stock's price action with NO indicators

Rule: If I have either 1 zombie trade or 1 revenge trade, I will sit out from trading for a mandatory 1 week cooling off. This will be a negative incentive that will turn me off from making those type of trades since almost all my motivation and raison d'être currently is daytrading.


Thursday, April 19, 2018

20180419 OPGN


Chart History:  Gapping 20-50% range, 16.5k volume (lower than I like).  Resistance overhead were at least 3-4$ above current price action and already trading above daily average at the open.  Washed in the open but got rebought back up.

VWAP @ 2.4 (Filled at 2.45)

2.35, 10 cents also at 9EMA

Enter at VWAP and sell 1/2 at HOD, ride rest and move stop to breakeven.

I ran into the Ross/FOUS dilemna which I know screws me up currently due to being ambigous.  Ross entered AFTER a 1min pullback from the rebuying spike.  I am playing with a mixture of the 2 strategies and entered at VWAP.  Got scared out prior to my stop for 5cent loss, seconds later it spiked 35cents.

Problem #1:
On non-gap and go's, I can prolly set the limit order to 2-3cents above where I want to enter and not 5cents.

Problem #2:
Main Ross/Fous Dilemna:  Ross will buy high and sell higher.  Fous will buy at support and sell into spike.  I'm stuck in between and this causes me to overthink.

Problem #3:
Because of Problem #2 and although I set my risk at 2.35.  I got scared out before it hit my stop which sucked because it spiked a few seconds just after I sold..

Problem #4:  Didn't even notice where the EMA's were at.  On non-gap and go's, I NEED to remember to look at how far the EMA is at to see how extended it currently is.

Problem #5:  I'm running on 4hrs sleep, this was calculated and an accepted risk though.  Still adjusting my sleep routines and was a little anxious/excited to be at the market open for the first time this week.

Learning Lessons:
The 10cent stop just happened to fall on the EMA, I didn't see that until after selling.  I treated this like a gap and go instead of relying on where my support levels were at.  Slow down more next time and analyze the risk better and stick to the stop for now and not rely on post entry intuition (it's affected by emotion atm).  A 3-1-5 on pullbacks would be a good idea to implement prior to trade entry.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Weekly Review Apr 3/5

Last week was a little mentally hectic; small appts. taking no longer than 15mins at most just annoyed me since it was during the market open.  I can take a little break to celebrate but not too long of a break, maybe 1hr haha.. *Remember what ET (Eric Thomas) said about breaks*

Schedule from last wk:
- Catch up

- Catch up

- CC Meeting
- vMPF checklist completion
- 2hrs - 6hrs DUX

- Screen Time
- 2hrs - 6hrs DUX

- S1 Outprocessing
- 2hrs - 6hrs DUX

- MPF Outprocessing
- 2hrs - 6hrs DUX

- Review

I didn't do the DUX studying at all this week.. I will be using adjusting the study requiremnts to an appropriate level where I can stick to it consistently.

I kept on putting off Headspace in the AM's and ended up doing it some other time during the day.  I moved Headspace from being the last thing in my routine and put it right after making my bed.  I now am at my longest streak as far as meditating goes and I am at my all time most consistent streak for my AM routines. My PM routine is still a mess, 2/7 but I think it's actually my best this year haha so will work on that.  I've also re-started daily journaling and have noticed that daily gratitude on my 5min journaling stabilizes my mood greatly.

- Account for activities / goals this week

Although I didn't do any DUX studying, I was able to knock out the most important thing on my TDL each single day.


Totally missed doing my Wkly Review on time:
This week I've bn really measuring my sleeping habits and what's the best way for me to be awake for the market open.  I've missed Mon-Wed market opens but progressively getting better.  Experimenting with what trigger to use for my PM Routines.

Schedule for the Current Week:
- Catch up Sykes/WT vids
- Finish DUX 1st vid
- Adjust WoH
- Visualize WoH and Whole Trading day Routine

- Screen Time
- Finish DUX 2nd vid

- Screen Time
- Refine WoH: Go To Setups

- Refine WoH

- Show up for Screen Time / Show up for Watchlist Creation

"Once I have a system, the only thing that matters is the six inches between my ears..."

--------------------------- For Whenever-------------------------------
**** Gamblers think about profits, Traders think about Risk ****
Shifting my attitude/mindset from making money and towards:

1) Risk Management
- Have plan before trade
- Know risk prior to trade
- Know stop loss prior to trade
- Size position accordingly to the stop loss

2) Managing Emotions
- No more zombie trading
- No more revenge trading

3) Managing Mind
- Regular Meditations
- Objectivity Exercises

Mandatory Weekly Goals....
A) Zero (0) Zombie trades
B) Zero (0) Revenge trades
C) Trade only quality/Go-To-Setups.. (Think retired trader)

** Something I want to do in the future--Watch a stock's price action with NO indicators

Rule: If I have either 1 zombie trade or 1 revenge trade, I will sit out from trading for a mandatory 1 week cooling off. This will be a negative incentive that will turn me off from making those type of trades since almost all my motivation and raison d'être currently is daytrading.


Monday, April 9, 2018

Weekly Review Apr 2/5

This whole week will be for just getting into the routine of my morning habits / pre-market / post-market scans.  50% is just showing up.

Schedule for the Current Week:
- Catch up

- Catch up

- CC Meeting
- vMPF checklist completion
- 2hrs - 6hrs DUX

- Screen Time
- 2hrs - 6hrs DUX

- S1 Outprocessing
- 2hrs - 6hrs DUX

- MPF Outprocessing
- 2hrs - 6hrs DUX

- Review

- Account for activities / goals this week

"Once I have a system, the only thing that matters is the six inches between my ears..."

--------------------------- For Whenever-------------------------------
**** Gamblers think about profits, Traders think about Risk ****
Shifting my attitude/mindset from making money and towards:

1) Risk Management
- Have plan before trade
- Know risk prior to trade
- Know stop loss prior to trade
- Size position accordingly to the stop loss

2) Managing Emotions
- No more zombie trading
- No more revenge trading

3) Managing Mind
- Regular Meditations
- Objectivity Exercises

Mandatory Weekly Goals....
A) Zero (0) Zombie trades
B) Zero (0) Revenge trades
C) Trade only quality/Go-To-Setups.. (Think retired trader)

** Something I want to do in the future--Watch a stock's price action with NO indicators

Rule: If I have either 1 zombie trade or 1 revenge trade, I will sit out from trading for a mandatory 1 week cooling off. This will be a negative incentive that will turn me off from making those type of trades since almost all my motivation and raison d'être currently is daytrading.


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Weekly Review Apr 1/5

Work and mid day appts just kills my routine.. can't wait to get outprocessing done.  Last 3 days of work and i'm done.. Nothin super strict.. Just need to get work-related stuff done and i'm good to go.

Schedule for the Current Week:
- Work

- Work

- Work

- Knockout Outprocessing Stuff

- Screen Time

- Screen Time

- Review

- Finish everything on list
- Screen time !!!!

"Once I have a system, the only thing that matters is the six inches between my ears..."

--------------------------- For Whenever-------------------------------
**** Gamblers think about profits, Traders think about Risk ****
Shifting my attitude/mindset from making money and towards:

1) Risk Management
- Have plan before trade
- Know risk prior to trade
- Know stop loss prior to trade
- Size position accordingly to the stop loss

2) Managing Emotions
- No more zombie trading
- No more revenge trading

3) Managing Mind
- Regular Meditations
- Objectivity Exercises

Mandatory Weekly Goals....
A) Zero (0) Zombie trades
B) Zero (0) Revenge trades
C) Trade only quality/Go-To-Setups.. (Think retired trader)

** Something I want to do in the future--Watch a stock's price action with NO indicators

Rule: If I have either 1 zombie trade or 1 revenge trade, I will sit out from trading for a mandatory 1 week cooling off. This will be a negative incentive that will turn me off from making those type of trades since almost all my motivation and raison d'être currently is daytrading.