Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Weekly Review February 4/4

GTOs from Last Week:

1)  Execute modified Visualization techniques to include 3rd person +Boss/Employee visualizations.  Monitor adherence to daily routine.  Consistently keep improving on this.
2)  Execute Patience/Meditation consistently, Monitor and refine as needed.  Maintain this.
3)  Monitor adherence to daily preparation routines, refine as needed.  Maintain this.

1)  SLOW IT DOWN !! Do the prep work required and Analyze the Support/Resistance Levels + Where's the trend at?  CIRCLE Breakouts/Breakdowns !!!  Maintain this.
2)  No Experimentation.  PLAYBOOK TRADES ONLY !!  No Meditation = NO TRADING !! NO TRADING PAST 11AM CST unless MBOT Type-Trade.  I'm still on the fence on this one.
3)  Focus on starting your day with 1 playbook trade.  **DO my After Trade Actions (ATA) !!!** Monitor execution of ATAs, refine as needed.  APPLY THIS !!!

Thoughts/Learning Lessons:

I'm still on the fence about breaking away with the 5min PB.  It feels so much better just letting the stock come to me shorting than I do trying to get filled on the ask on a 5min PB.  The main reason I DON'T want to remain longing for now is that I end up FOMOing and doing trades OTHER than a 5min PB.  At leos, I ended up doing a 1min PB during the open.  I still feel that I can make it work but it does have bigger risks that if I just went short-biased.  Til the end of March, I'll be sticking to 5min PB w/ 2R + 1min PB w/ 1R (After a b/o and before 0945 only) and DUX SHORTS w/ 4R and Afternoon MeanRev w/ 2R and Short Line2Line w/ 1R.  That's my playbook..

I will be traveling overseas again next week.  Take things slow...

Last wk Learning Lesson:  Once I've located a stock to trade--IGNORE THE CHATROOM !! Chatrooms are to be used as a SCANNER ONLY !!

Last wk Learning Lesson:  FUCKING GO TO BED ON TIME = Wake up on TIME !!!
     -  Be in bed by 930pm.. Lights out by 1030pm
     -  No Electronic Devices in bed

Last wk Learning Lesson:  Listen to Emotion > Change my state > ASK QUESTIONS > Focus on the process/grind.  Shrug it off and keep moving forward !!

FOCUS is MANDATORY in decision-making.. Inability to focus well due to mental distractions, interruptions, physical/mental fatigue will cost me dearly...

This (February) MONTH'S FOCUS is on solution-based therapy.  I will strictly focus on what I DID RIGHT in JANUARY and keep replicating those actions/behaviors.

GTOs til End of March:

1)  Execute modified Visualization techniques to include 3rd person +Boss/Employee visualizations.  Monitor adherence to daily routine.
2)  Execute Patience/Meditation consistently, Monitor and refine as needed.
3)  Monitor adherence to daily preparation routines, refine as needed.

2)  SLOW IT DOWN !! Do the prep work required and Analyzed the Support/Resistance Levels + Where's the trend at?  CIRCLE Breakouts/Breakdowns !!!
3)  No Experimentation.  PLAYBOOK TRADES ONLY !!  No Meditation = NO TRADING !! NO TRADING PAST 11AM CST unless MBOT Type-Trade
4)  Focus on starting your day with 1 playbook trade.  **DO my After Trade Actions (ATA) !!!** Monitor execution of ATAs, refine as needed.


DEFINE ----------------------------- PREVENT ----------------------------- Repair

1)  FOMO ------------------------------Pre-Market Preparation -------- Sleep on Time to wake up on time
2)  FOMO ----------------------- Follow ONLY Playbook Trades --- There's always opportunity LATER
3)  Fear of Losing $$$$------ Bracket the orders and let SL get hit ------- Reassess if Entry was correct


1) As long as I remain resilient and refine my systems--I am one step closer to CPT
2) If I wake up early enough--I will be awake for screen time and accomplish more tasks.
3) If I reduce FOMO  trades--I will preserve my capital and improve my discipline.

Accept the emotions and no longer identify with them.  It's much easier to see things in the external world without passing judgement on them..

Monday, February 18, 2019

Playbook Overhauled / Monthly Review was overwritten accidentally

I'm cutting all LONG strategies from my playbook until I build up my account.  Below is still work in progress but it is my comparison on where I'm at at the moment.

Status of Long Strategies:


1)  It's harder to know when you're wrong vs a Short.  When the trend slows down where I take profits and then I need to stop out--there's usually a panic sell and hard to get filled.
2)  I get tunnel visioned and usually DO NOT judge my risk > inappropriate share size > uncontrolled risk.
3)  I tunnel vision and miss out the bigger picture charts and higher timeframe trends.
4)  I FOMO and chase hard.

Status of Short Strategies:

1)  It's easier to know when you're wrong vs a Long.  I'm usually getting out of a trade as a scratch when I don't chase my short entries.
2)  It's much easier to judge my risk and place my stop at.
3)  I don't get FOMO'd as much because I let the price come to where I want it go.


For rest of February and March--I will take only SHORT Trades and will Paper trade LONG Trades.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Weekly Review February 3/4

GTOs from Last Week:

1)  Execute modified Visualization techniques to include 3rd person +Boss/Employee visualizations.  Monitor adherence to daily routine.
2)  Execute Patience/Meditation consistently, Monitor and refine as needed.
3)  Monitor adherence to daily preparation routines, refine as needed.

1)  SLOW IT DOWN !! Do the prep work required and Analyzed the Support/Resistance Levels + Where's the trend at?  CIRCLE Breakouts/Breakdowns !!!
2)  No Experimentation.  PLAYBOOK TRADES ONLY !!  No Meditation = NO TRADING !! NO TRADING PAST 11AM CST unless MBOT Type-Trade
3)  Focus on starting your day with 1 playbook trade.  **DO my After Trade Actions (ATA) !!!** Monitor execution of ATAs, refine as needed.

Thoughts/Learning Lessons:

This week I had combined my trading journal with my daily journaling.  I added an expectations/emotional questionnaire before trading and after trading as well. The expectations helps me gauge and clamp down on impatience and irritability during the super slow days.
Monday - Woke up late, made sure I completed the AM routine
Tuesday - Woke up late, traded NUVA which moved just like EOLS, AMRS from last week.  It was extetnded from 5m ema, I got short right after a stuffed candle. It broke down but it was not breaking below the prev low and reversing, I stopped out near my entry for a scratch.  I kept watching and saw it breaking down again but failed to get back on it.  This is the 3rd PM short pattern i've noticed, I'll prolly keep trading them as long as it's extended on the 5m EMA with 50$ risk.
Wednesday - I stayed up all night tuesday and traded DBD.  I'm still stuck between starting a size on breakdown/bid vs on a spike/ask.  I'm slowly switching to filling on the ask because I have more of a cushion to be wrong and still get out even vs shorting on the b/d and stopping out for a loss.  I will only initiate on the b/d to ADD to my size.
Thursday - Today was a mess.  Split focus between 2 tickers, split focus between strategies (Long vs short), FOMO, REVENGE, LISTENING TO CHATROOM was my biggest fails.  LL will be listed below and the refinements to my process.  I was so fcked by the end of trading that I started to get dizzy, My BP was measured at 108/65.. Crazy, this was the first time my BP was affected.
Friday - Took the day off to reset.

Learning Lesson #1:  All shorts till I'm CPT with Shorting.

Learning Lesson #2:  Once I've located a stock to trade--IGNORE THE CHATROOM !! Chatrooms are to be used as a SCANNER ONLY !!
Last wk Learning Lesson #1:  FUCKING GO TO BED ON TIME = Wake up on TIME !!!
     -  Be in bed by 930pm.. Lights out by 1030pm
     -  No Electronic Devices in bed

Last wk Learning Lesson #2:  Listen to Emotion > Change my state > ASK QUESTIONS > Focus on the process/grind.  Shrug it off and keep moving forward !!

FOCUS is MANDATORY in decision-making.. Inability to focus well due to mental distractions, interruptions, physical/mental fatigue will cost me dearly...

This (February) MONTH'S FOCUS is on solution-based therapy.  I will strictly focus on what I DID RIGHT in JANUARY and keep replicating those actions/behaviors.

GTOs for this week:

1)  Execute modified Visualization techniques to include 3rd person +Boss/Employee visualizations.  Monitor adherence to daily routine.
2)  Execute Patience/Meditation consistently, Monitor and refine as needed.
3)  Monitor adherence to daily preparation routines, refine as needed.

1)  Choose a BIAS for ALL TRADES !!
2)  SLOW IT DOWN !! Do the prep work required and Analyzed the Support/Resistance Levels + Where's the trend at?  CIRCLE Breakouts/Breakdowns !!!
3)  No Experimentation.  PLAYBOOK TRADES ONLY !!  No Meditation = NO TRADING !! NO TRADING PAST 11AM CST unless MBOT Type-Trade
4)  Focus on starting your day with 1 playbook trade.  **DO my After Trade Actions (ATA) !!!** Monitor execution of ATAs, refine as needed.


DEFINE ----------------------------- PREVENT ----------------------------- Repair

1)  FOMO ------------------------------Pre-Market Preparation -------- Sleep on Time to wake up on time
2)  FOMO ----------------------- Follow ONLY Playbook Trades --- There's always opportunity LATER
3)  Fear of Losing $$$$------ Bracket the orders and let SL get hit ------- Reassess if Entry was correct


1) As long as I remain resilient and refine my systems--I am one step closer to CPT
2) If I wake up early enough--I will be awake for screen time and accomplish more tasks.
3) If I reduce FOMO  trades--I will preserve my capital and improve my discipline.

Accept the emotions and no longer identify with them.  It's much easier to see things in the external world without passing judgement on them..

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Weekly Review February 2/4

GTOs from Last Week:

1)  Execute modified Visualization techniques to include 3rd person +Boss/Employee visualizations.  Monitor adherence to daily routine.
2)  Execute Patience/Meditation consistently, Monitor and refine as needed.
3)  Monitor adherence to daily preparation routines, refine as needed.

1)  SLOW IT DOWN !! Do the prep work required and Analyzed the Support/Resistance Levels + Where's the trend at?  CIRCLE Breakouts/Breakdowns !!!
2)  No Experimentation.  PLAYBOOK TRADES ONLY !!  No Meditation = NO TRADING !! NO TRADING PAST 11AM CST unless MBOT Type-Trade
3)  Focus on starting your day with 1 playbook trade.  **DO my After Trade Actions (ATA) !!!** Monitor execution of ATAs, refine as needed.

Thoughts/Learning Lessons:

This week was meh.  I barely woke up on time on majority of the days.
Monday- Very nice on ZKIN, dux got it but seeing the Monthly VWAP so close, i opted out.  I didn't want to chase either and just watched.  I realized that Monthly VWAP should only be used AFTER the 1st day OR a bounce using something in the last 30days as resistance.  I wanted to chase but I stopped myself.  PHIIK was something that I watched as well, but low volume I didn't want to execute.
Tuesday-  Woke up late as usual at 11am, traded EOLS, low float but higher priced.  I couldn't get executed at my ideal price target target, I kept lowering until I said no more.  I fomo'd and got filled below where I said "no more".  Because of the lousy entry, I ended up managing the position like crap.  Told myself that this was going to be my last non-playbook trade.  AMRS was another after EOLS that I was watching and FOMO'd from the ideal entry.  I got in on the 2nd leg down and covered when the selling dried up and reversing.
Wed-Fri-  Just kept waking up late,  I did however made it my goal to go through ALL my AM routine prior and 3rd person visualization/meditation before doing anything else.  I also started improving my daily psych journal with more recommendation from the Daily Trading Coach.

Learning Lesson #1:  FUCKING GO TO BED ON TIME = Wake up on TIME !!!
     -  Be in bed by 930pm.. Lights out by 1030pm
     -  No Electronic Devices in bed

Learning Lesson #2:  Listen to Emotion > Change my state > ASK QUESTIONS > Focus on the process/grind.  Shrug it off and keep moving forward !!

FOCUS is MANDATORY in decision-making.. Inability to focus well due to mental distractions, interruptions, physical/mental fatigue will cost me dearly...

This (February) MONTH'S FOCUS is on solution-based therapy.  I will strictly focus on what I DID RIGHT in JANUARY and keep replicating those actions/behaviors.

GTOs for this week:

1)  Execute modified Visualization techniques to include 3rd person +Boss/Employee visualizations.  Monitor adherence to daily routine.
2)  Execute Patience/Meditation consistently, Monitor and refine as needed.
3)  Monitor adherence to daily preparation routines, refine as needed.

1)  SLOW IT DOWN !! Do the prep work required and Analyzed the Support/Resistance Levels + Where's the trend at?  CIRCLE Breakouts/Breakdowns !!!
2)  No Experimentation.  PLAYBOOK TRADES ONLY !!  No Meditation = NO TRADING !! NO TRADING PAST 11AM CST unless MBOT Type-Trade
3)  Focus on starting your day with 1 playbook trade.  **DO my After Trade Actions (ATA) !!!** Monitor execution of ATAs, refine as needed.


DEFINE ----------------------------- PREVENT ----------------------------- Repair

1)  FOMO ------------------------------Pre-Market Preparation -------- Sleep on Time to wake up on time
2)  FOMO ----------------------- Follow ONLY Playbook Trades --- There's always opportunity LATER
3)  Fear of Losing $$$$------ Bracket the orders and let SL get hit ------- Reassess if Entry was correct


1) As long as I remain resilient and refine my systems--I am one step closer to CPT
2) If I wake up early enough--I will be awake for screen time and accomplish more tasks.
3) If I reduce FOMO  trades--I will preserve my capital and improve my discipline.

Accept the emotions and no longer identify with them.  It's much easier to see things in the external world without passing judgement on them..