Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July 28 Trading Day

SLOOOOOOW DAY.. so lame, so much for my birthday.. and for the first time, i actually did some hw/scanned stocks.. I missed the small panic/breakout on open to the spike on OGXI and ITEK.. >_> I had too many charts open and while they were in front of me, i couldn't clearly see the  candlesticks/the pre-market/previous day took up 90%+ of the damn screen... Missed the big moves so imma jst force trades on purpose for EXP and try scalping..

So lame 1000 Entry 3.65 Exit 3.72 70$ Playing without lvl 2 is stupid.. anways was using the T/S to somewhat get an idea of what's going on but this is just plain stupid now. I gotta remember that my best trades are from the big moves/breakouts/breakdowns.. Scalping is just stupid i say again without lvl 2 and these stocks are just too choppy for me intra-day atm..

100 Entry 17.45 added 100 at 17.58 Exit 17.63 23$
1000 Entry 17.82 added 1000 18.11 Exit 18.01 90$ No way i'd have this position in real life but wanted to exaggerate the trade. Missed selling into the resistance the 2nd time at 18.2 because of ... hey NO level 2.. Trading without a level 2 really is trading blind... I'm done scalping today.. bn 2days now and ST still hasn't activated my trial >_>...

Today really shows that im weak when there's none of my ideal plays on.. BUT both OGXI and ITEK gapped up and eventually broke out from open withh ITEK matching previous days HOD and OGXI spiking at least 10%.. Next time this pattern comes up. I'll be quick to lock in profits on the spike. I'mma try to stay awake today and watch these two.. I'm curious on how they will turn out in the afternoon. ITEK is now a triple top. Also IG is trending up higher highs, higher lows. I'm tired, Maybe i'll buy it on the breakout, maybe i won't.. We'll see.. Two days in a row now that the stocks i'm watching prior to open did NOTHING. Been doing well trading stocks i know very little about though, giving credit to the "trade the ticker, not the company" saying.. I need to study this strategy alot more up..

Stayed awake for the afternoon... WATCHING PAINT DRY !!.. Love it though, i prevented myself from taking any unnecessary trades.. No big moves in the afternoon... gg hf..

3 Trades (Scalps only, missed 2 big moves**Learn from this**) 5 Entries, 3 Exits, 100% Rate, 183$
Realistically, although i luckily came out positive, I wouldn't take these trades on a real account; I would've sat the whole day out.

- Kaizen

July 28 Japan Time

Was going to sit down and catch up on all the daily vid lessons, recaps from syke's trades but i've ended up going from blog to blog of successful traders. No regrets so far, i've been reading their thoughts through their blogs and i'm very thankful that they post their losses/mistakes so others can learn from them.. here's some of the newer ones that i really like and have the same mindset/thinking pattern with..



Funny, these two are younger than me haha.. I really like these two because they're both as hungry for knowledge as i was when i was their age. If i had just run into sykes/nathan/daytrading at that age instead of going the real estate investments route/Robert Kiyosaki/insurance+stockbroker mentors, my life would've been drastically different. But no regrets, i've learned alot through that route and it actually sets me up with the ideal mindset on tackling day trading. Looking back now and seeing alot of failed businesses and ventures, it was tough but slowly my money discipline is very very good. Unfortunately, that is also going to be my biggest challenge going into stocks. My overconfidence.. Thankfully, other traders do blog their progress and i can adapt myself into avoiding those same mistakes. Sticking to the rules and maintaining discipline is a MUST in trading and I'm prolly gonna make it a rule on myself to read/re-read other people's blogs at least once a month to ingrain the lessons they've learned from their mistakes since i have a short memory >_>..


That and I get to see different trading styles and slowly refine mine to a specific niche..
Just realized it's my bday today.. Happy birthday to me !! haha, Best bday for me in awhile though.. I love being motivated about business/finance and i haven't felt this hungry for knowledge in years. Thanks for all the successful trader's blogs and for paying it forward by posting your progress. It might've not meant much when ya'll posted your blogs, but for this little guy stationed half a world from home (Texas, 'MURICA!!!).. reading ya'lls blogs, I haven't felt more at home than in years.
Quotes from their blogs:

-  If you learn anything from this post, let it be the fact that you should never let yourself think that you need to make your loss back.

- I focus on 1 or 2 main plays a day for scalping or "swinging" intraday, and 1 or 2 plays in my swing account that do not need to be monitored constantly. The swings don't take up very much mental energy; I just check the 15-minute charts a few times a day to make sure they aren't doing anything crazy. Of the 1 or 2 stocks I am day-trading, I typically let them play out for at least 10-15 minutes into the open. Could I make money scalping those first few minutes? Sure, probably, but it's not worth my mental energy. I don't want to catch every single minuscule move on a stock just to make a quick buck. I want to take a chunk out of the stock, not just a .02 scalp on FB or TWTR. I don't need to milk every single move a stock makes. I only need to take the ones that I have strong conviction in, and can size the hell in. And I can still make more than Jack makes trying to scalp the same stock all day.

Just about every day, I get to walk away from my computer with plenty of mental energy, satisfied with my trading, and not stressing about how I missed a big move in a stock. This is a big problem that I noticed when I was struggling trading, and with a lot of newer traders. People constantly complain about how they missed a big move in a stock, or covered too early/sold too soon. This is unhealthy for your mindset and makes you feel bad about yourself, which then makes it much harder to feel confident in your next trade or next trading day. At first I just tricked my brain into enjoying missing moves on a stock. Always feel confident in every move you make. If it keeps tanking, just think of all the stupid chasers who are long and losing their ass. Think of something that can get your mind off of the negativity you feel about yourself for missing. Sometimes if I am waiting for the next pop on a stock to get short, but instead it just takes another leg down without me, I literally get up that moment and walk out of the room. Then I’ll take some deep breaths, gaze out of the window, and clear my mind. Then when I sit back down at my computer, I feel centered and not upset for missing a play.

I own them, they do not own me.

- Kaizen

Monday, July 27, 2015

July 27 Trading Day

Pfft.. little preparation like i wanted... Using TD Ameritrade's Think or swim.. had good reviews a few yrs back... I thought Suretrader's platform sucked... this is WAAAAY worse... thought ST was too plain.. this one is too confusing AF...

AVXL- 5000 Buy Entry .76, Exit .84.. Gapped up and panic'd .. bought on last day's close sold on Multiyear-resistance after breaking  HOD. 400$

NYMX- 1000 Buy Entry 2.9, Exit 3.15.. Spiked up from 1.29 >_>... small position since i'm chasing... bought on the breakout from previous HOD. sold on level 2 resistance on new HOD. 250$

Gonna watch NYMX for late day entry? ABCD? Support at 2.4?.. we'll see, ill set alerts/stoplimits..

Stoplimits dinged.. orders filled.. watching stocks now...

AVXL- 4000 Buy Entry .855? wth.. Exit .89. bought at breakout HOD Sold under resistance >_>. this is scary that there's so much weight overhead.. 140$

NYMX- 2000 Buy Entry 2.53. 1000 Added at 2.6 (first was dip buy, 2nd was my stoplimit) Exit wrongly at 2.58.. Thought the support was at 2.6 when it really was at 2.55.. (Playing without Level II is blind.. the paper trading level 2/bid+ask is a few mins behind.. useless pos...) 80$

3000 Buy Entry 2.58, Came in again.. Exit 2.63, lower lows.. I shouldn't be in this stock midday.. Shouldn't be scalping either -_- smh... 180$ . This does look like an ABCD intraday.. its alrdy up 100% though.. Setting a stoplimit buy order at HOD and if it doesn't ding.. I'm done for the day.. back to studying..

Nope, fell asleep.. NYMX broke past 3 but didnt come close to it's highs.. will be watching these two stocks again tonight for breakouts.. AVXL is a slow climber though and has major resistance at 1$ from 3yrs ago.. There's so much risk, will only buy on breakout past 1$.

Sigh, I'm scalping again BUT.. i'll work on it since IU has good strategies and i'm seeing how scalping works.. Drastically huge difference on how i trade now vs 2wks ago..

5 trades.. 6 entry, 5 exit.. 100% Rate, 1050$ Profit.
There would've been another nice trade on the midday breakout 2.80 and cover at 3.. but i really need to pay attention to these intraday-sideways action/scalping.. these are not my strongest plays.

Goals for the week: Be prepared PRIOR to market open !! Do homework/scan stocks !!
PS. Playing around with ThinkOrSwim Software... I'm droooooling atm.. It's that good... Where Suretrader only had 1 window open... Behold TOS.. It's just sad that i won't be using Ameritrade.. Hopefully I'll find a platform just as good...

I'm at a crossroads atm, Tim skyes strategy is alot about due diligence on the specific strategies, but i've been seeing calls where even though the catalyst is positive, the price action begs to differ.. I'm starting to see it more of how Tim Grittani/Investors Underground of doing things where you trade the ticker and not the company.. I'll be doing a little bit of both.. For fast moving stocks breaking out, ill trade the ticker.. and once it dies abit i'll do my DD for future breakouts.. IU does alot of scalping however, i really need to see plays where they mess up on so i know what to look out for and avoid. That IU community though, Goal is to finish sykes/tim g's vids and start learning IU's strategies by Oct.

It's funny.. I was looking up more info between the spatter between sykes and modern rock about what started the asian rascist comment squabble and what ensued after. Sykes covered of a loss and he always preaches about #1 rule cutting losses, Modern rock comes in saying hey a covered loss still means your wrong. Although sykes was technically wrong on the trade, his action of covering for a loss required discipline. One MAJOR rule and if not the #1 rule being said by Sykes, Tim Grittani, Modern Rock, Nathan Michaud and ALOT of other successful traders in Investor's Underground is the fact that they #1: Cut Losses Quickly. I love how these guys posts/talk about their biggest losses and it was mainly because of not cutting losses quickly, and confidence in their belief of what the stock should do instead of listening to what the chart IS doing. "Don't use Beliefs, Use Convictions" Convictions has the chart/facts to back it up - Derrick Leon

- Kaizen

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Sigh, more i learn bout the stock market (OTC).. The less love i have for Capitalism.. anyways, i gotta make sure i don't lose focus and the main goal here is education/profits..

Mentor#1: Timothy Sykes "TimSykes"

Mentor#2: Tim Grittani "kroyrunner"

Mentor#3: Nathan Michaud "InvestorsLive"

Gregg Sciabica "lx21"

Bao "Modernrock"

Derriick Leon


Burned out pretty good since july 13-14ish... sheesh i did have a surgery on the 16th but even then i was alrdy burnt out prior to the surgery. Being physically/mentally fit is a must when stock trading, I can't stress that enough and will make it a priority in being in tiptop shape from now on.. Been slowly remotivated and hitting up webinars/lessons/blogs to get some progress in.

I've been seeing different trade styles / strategies the more i get to know top profitable traders. I am slowly taking bits of pieces that i like from them and slowly creating my own personal style of trading. They all have similarities with one another and the one's i'm really gonna take to heart is.

1) Have a thesis prior to the trade
2) Cut losses quick if it's not going your way
3) Trade the ticker (Tim Grittani/Nathan Michaud slowly veering of T.Sykes style)
4) Patience is key; Aim small, miss small; More is less, less is more; It's okay not to trade

From Derrick Leon's Blog:
Element 1) Patience

 Lately it's been about patience and having the right entries, shorts or longs, take your pick. I've found myself ignoring the first 5-10min of the stock market open. If I don't see anything I like, I sit on cash all day. We don't need to trade every blipping day. Be patient, and wait for the right move. Over trading is a bitch so stop doing it in this choppy market. Forcing in this market does not help, the right trades will always come along, just have to wait for it.

Element 2) More is Less, Less is More

    Above I talked about patience and knowing when to hit it or quit it lol, but in all honestly knowing when to size in the right trade can be very profitable 

   I've found myself sticking to 1-3 stocks a day and I wont shy away from that. It has improved my winning average and has improved my profits. More focus = better trading. Sometimes to let a stock workout we need not focus on it, but this market is nuts. A lot of traders out there scalp many different stocks, I've reduced my scalping. I now look for the bigger picture moves.

  This doesn't mean go all in and hope for the best. Means trade the size your comfortable with and be patience and respect your stop losses

Sunday, July 19, 2015

July 19 Japan Time

Surgery done.... bn in the dumps the past couple of days. Got re-motivated and ready to pounce on these video lessons...

I did good buying the breakout on the 13th, and looking back on the afternoon whn i decided to pre-tend long o/n. It had a head/shoulders action + faded into the close, 2 good indicators that i ignored leading into the gap down the next day. 2days later, with more news. It broke out to new highs and analyst upgrades to the stock both above 40$price targets by 2019 and at least 18$ price target within 12 months. I need to revisit previously traded stocks for these type of actions.

WOW !!!! Billionaire play SPIKES the stock once again proving this chart play is a good buy !!
"Icahn, speaking to Benzinga on the sidelines of CNBC's "Delivering Alpha" conference on Wednesday night, said he is still in his Voltari position. Icahn's Icahn Capital last reported a 52.3 percent stake in Voltari on March 31. A little over 4 million of Icahn's 4.73 million share position was acquired at that time, at an average price of $1.36 each."

July 13 was when i was looking at this stock, tried to get in but did not get filled. 14th was sideways action which was bleh but i knew that by the 15th, the CNBC conference is a MUST to look after.. After a positive review, the stock shot up from under 6$ up to 10$.. This was easily on my watch list because of the obvious july15 cnbc conference but since i had surgery.. didn't bother with stocks at all... sheesh... even with the crappy stock climate we're bout to head into.. this chart PLAY is a must BUY...



With such a huge stake in the company, odds were very good that the stock was going to go up and not down.. Billionaire plays/Techbreakout plays are gonna be my favorites...

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 14 Day

Did very little HW prior to the trading day, just wanted to focus on OHRP, VLTC, NUGN, and any other strong% gainer on the day.

Gapped down, Probably gonna die all day, Going to play around scalping it.

Weird but it gapped down a little bit to 6.44, it didn't have the best strong close, but i was expecting a spike. It tested 7 pre-market, so i'm feeling it's just dipping from that. I normally will close this position on any other but there's solid resistance at 6.3 from yesterday's mid day/early afternoon. Hypothesis: Risk 14cents downside for the potential spike, hoping it'll test 7 again. Result: Spiked into 6.9, strong resistance yet again at 6.9 so i'm closing. Entry from yesterday is 6.58, Exit at 6.85 230$ profit.

T3h ideal chart play/most predicatable pattern has come up again. g/r yesterday and the day after the first red day!! It dropped from 3.66 to 3.22 at close which breaks below the previous crashes low!! No shares to short but let's play it as if there were. Slight pullback up to 3.26, wall of sellers.. Short 2500shares at 3.26.. nice morning panic to 3.05, bouncing up to 3.13 (lower high), keep holding.. breaks below 3.05 and bounces of 3 (lower low), bounces to 3.1 (lower high), and tests 3 again.. uh-oh.. will cover depending on how high this bounce gets.. meets resistance that morning's panice 3.06.. breaks below 3 to 2.95 and bounces to 3.03.. the bounces are getting smaller.. seems like consolidating, cover at 3 for 22cents per share since i'm not gnna babysit anymore but this seems like a waste of the ideal play.. Will come back to it later to see how it finishes up and whether covering was the right play. Result: Had a mid day panic.. bounced back just underneath 3.. fading volume from yesterday which is a good sign it'll fade... Mid day- early afternoon fade.. broke down through day's low at 1530 down to 2.55by 350pm.. bounced to 2.7 at the close..

So.. I noticed that i shorted in the morning knowing well that it'll drop but had NO EXIT PLAN, INCOMPLETE HYPOTHESIS. I knew the previous crash support was at 3.25 which the day started off below WITH a panic. So my mindset was i'll close where i see resistance, completely ignoring that the last, last crashes support was at 2.5.. which was today's low.. Coincidence?? I'm an idiot.. 3rd day not following the most important rule of having a COMPLETE hypothesis prior to making a trade. I only would've made 660$ on a potential 2160$ profit on the IDEAL Pattern but i got scared out of my position because i didn't bother to analyze an exit strategy..

Trades/Scalping: I'm starting to see the difference between high probability trades and me getting forced into scalping, which i've had really bad results from. Scalping however has forcing to really, really watch how a trade is going in comparison to the previous highs/lows of the day. This makes me see how much more important it is to check 1d, 5d, 1m, 3m, 6m, year high/lows since the high probability trades are based on those and NOT on intraday patterns. Prior to a trade, i need to be asking myself.. Is this a high probability pattern or am i scalping? Also, I'mma start keeping a tally of my trades here Actual Charts vs Scalping Trades, I think i'm like 4/4 on actual plays andl like 30-50% success on scalping. Also, i'll b starting to review the prior day's posts and comment on them to get progress feedback on a day-to-day basis.

Making mistakes, which is good since i can learn from them.. problem now is that i keep making the same mistake because i have a short memory and forget what i learned (will be making flashcards as SOP on Known chart patterns/Still fairly new, I'm hoping it'll be etched into my mind as i see more charts and get more experience, but for now.. the flashcards will help my stupid memory problems...) This has stacked up enough that i feel like it's a limiting my progress, I'll be taking a few days away from the market and setting up systems to help me in trades. Also, watching videos has been to a halt, will be spending the time away from the market to beef up on videos and reviewing the fundamentals. Things to do before i go back to the market.
1) Have a system of doing HW prior to market day
2) Have a system in place in which i can scan stocks at market open.
3) Have a flashcards to help me keep tracks if whether or not i'm still on track on my hypothesis.

Good stuff, won't be posting stuff until i get back on the market. Might put stuff here just in case i wanna have on record something important i learn from vids.

- Kaizen

Monday, July 13, 2015


Rules broken today:
Don't trade while sick/not feeling well: Check! 26hrs no sleep and mind is blank.. Let's trade !!
Do homework/gameplan prior to Market open: Did not do!, was sleepy all day. The only gameplan i had was watching Sprint collapse under 3.74.. which it did, but it's a 2 billion$ market cap, so it didn't do what i wanted it too. This just shows that the strategy does not work for big companies, which it never was meant for...

Hays, since im on a trend of doing what i'm NOT supposed to do and having no discipline in abiding by the rules. I'll be rationalizing that i am breaking them on purpose so i can have the actual feeling/experience of what happens if i don't stick to the rules. I'll give this trend til the 24th and by August, I need to be strictly adhering to the rules...

Coming into the opening, the trades i've bn monitoring last wk opened up with NO VOLUME. Although I reacted slow, today, i actually scanned for biggest price gainers and checked their volume. Found OHRP being a good candidate. (I had the chat room opened up and that should've been the first place I should have checked, people have been watching this stock even PRIOR to the market open.

I went into this just knowing that it's a biotech/pharmaceutical company but it was HOT!!, huge volume and top 5% on market opening. It was already rising fast 7% in 5mins. Finally started using Limit orders instead of last weeks market orders and it makes a HUGE difference. Entry: 1000 at 2.96, Sold at 3.15 thinking it was topping out. I had an entry plan but no specific EXIT plan, because of this, i got scared out of my position on slight resistance on level 2. The stock eventually went on to hit 3.75 which i would've sold on if it met resistance at a key price point. Nonetheless, i profited 190$in 12minutes. Anyways it kept on going up, and Rule: Don't chase breakout.. I decided to chase at 3.44, And history repeats itself, I didn't have an exit plan, it pulled back at 3.3 and i sold to cut losses. But if i had taken the previous trade into a account, The trade was overwhelmingly showing to hold it out since i had superior risk/reward. Another 7mins and i coulda, woulda, shoulda sold at 3.75 for another 310$ profit.. Had i come in with a complete hypothesis analyzing risk/reward. I coulda, woulda, shoulda walked away with 790$/27%  gain.. But since i'm an idiot i was left with 60$..

I neeeeeed to have a complete hypothesis prior to having an entry on trades.... BE SPECIFIC!! Systematic and thorough.. Aim small, miss small... It's already getting past 10:30am, volume is fading but it still shows good buyer strength since its fading slower than the spike... I've been on target on previous stock's day trends, so i'mma speculate buy 3000 shares at 3.23 with the speculation that once volume returns after lunch.. the stock will go up higher + the fact that more positive press releases has been out in the morning + i am sleepy tired, and gonna go to sleep. Entry 3000 at 3.23, Woke up... Exit 3000 at 3.74 for a 1530$profit, . Perfect exit this time selling on the bounce once it started to downtrend. Another 5minutes and it woulda dropped another 17cents.. VERY largely speculative since i was so sleepy and didnt care anymore, but just shows that i've been on target on stocks day trend 100% so far, my problem is that since i don't have a good analysis of risk/reward, my entry/exit sucks so bad and I get scared out of my position too easily, i'm failing hard but hey, make mistakes now instead of later... Although i'm up 1.5k, This trade was a failed trade due to too much speculation and just the fact of too many rules broken/no specific entry/exit strategy prior to the trade.

 10am, Chatroom is buzzing about this, I have no idea what's moving it!!Put an order in at 5.35 to buy on a dip. DID NOT get filled.. ignored it to focus on OHRP. >_< 40% gain in the day.. closed at day's high 6.87 from opening at 4.69 on NO NEWS.. No regrets missing out on this since this is like meh/unpredicatble.. This however, is a billionaire play a few months back, "Voltari Corp (NASDAQ: VLTC) was lifted 30 percent on no apparent news. Carl Icahn, who holds a position in the company, is scheduled to present at CNBC's Delivering Alpha conference on Wednesday, July 15." Entry 1000shares at 6.58 10mins prior to closing. Finished strong on the day, and has a base way higher than the morning high. This really has no catalyst, largely speculative hold just to see what happens. Realistically, will not have a position. First serious multi-day play, since there's gonna be news on wednesday.

One picture = 'nuff said. This Ideal pump/dump play has been on the watchlist for weeks now. I NEED a better platform so i can calculate vwap and have a good alert system, missed the chance to short and suretrader had no shorts anyways. Stocks aren't predictable? Pump and dumps are verrry verrry scarily predictable... You'd think people would wise up to these scams of companies but hey..

General Thoughts: Keeping it short cuz even though i'm up on the day, I'm pissed since i had no discipline today.
- SCALPING.. I need to kill teh urge to scalp and focus on having a COMPLETE hypothesis, entry/exit strategy.

Goals by next monday:
- Have a system setup where i can scan stocks FAST, <3mins.
- Have a step-by-step idiot proof system on how to setup a hypothesis prior to a trade
- Have a step-by-step idiot proof system on when to buy/short based on morning trends/catalysts. Stupid shit like buying high and selling low, or shorting low, covering high ACTUALLY happens here... Bought at 3.44 and sold at 3.3 ?? REALLY? Years of finance experience and that still happened... come on...

Looking back at previous goals:
- Lower trades to <5/day.. Aim small, miss small (The one thing i did right today). Check!
^Hindsight review July14: Scalping sucks.

- Kaizen

Friday, July 10, 2015

July 10 Trading Day DANG, KONE, POWR, SGYP, ENZN, TRUE

Gonna keep it short and more on the general side of things.

DANG- Short 500 at 6.84 0941am, This stock gap'd up previous day by 75 cents and dropped 40cents within the first 15mins. Although the chinese markets rallied, this stock was alrdy downtrending beforehand. Since it gapped up as well today, thought'd i'd short it.. Entry was lousy, i should've had it on the bounce, instead i got in at the low prior to the 3rd bounce. Covered at 6.9 for a 6 cent loss whn i saw it holding. Will put an alert and re-short once it breaks the day's low (coincidentally at 6.84

              Short 1000 at 6.82 1140am. Finally an awesome entry, i'mma watch level 2 to see if it breaks 6.70, if not prolly cover. 1229am it breaks below 6.7 which was yesterday's low, Imm'a hold until 6.5 and see if it breaks july 8's close. Covered at 6.55 at 1255 for a 27c gain. 270$, finally. Will be on watch list for nxt wk. Will short if strong downtrend and below 6.5. next resistance is 6.3 which is it's multi-year low.
^Hindsight review July14: I didn't have an exit strategy, previous day's resistance was at 6.94 and i covered under it in the AM, >_< Had i had an exit strategy i would've held for that play in the mid-day. 10cents risk for a 10cent upside+whatever it broke down to.

KONE- Bought 500 at 6.87 with tim's buy alert. It was a higher low, but had a double top so was trying to dip buy. However, it dropped below the day's low which should've been my cue to GET OUT, instead i re-bought 500 at 6.74 to average down, Within 5 mins it had 2 lower low's, I cut my losses on the 2nd bounce, still too slow, but way faster than yesterday. KONE opened at 7 from yesterday's close of 4.5. I don't have any idea what this company is about except for tim's buy alert and of good news on a 100$mil contract. Thinking about it, Althought this is good news, this company is actually overextended and should be a short. I tried to short, but it was on a dip and covered when i got squeezed like an idiot. I need to set targets prior to the trades and i haven't consistently been doing that. Still tried to buy long even though it was against my gutt feeling. No matter what the catalyst, it should be PRICE ACTION that prevails, that and the overwhelming fact that its overextended. It's fighting around the 6.2-6.3 area. If it breaks down below 6.2 which is a 3time year long resistance, i'll short big with the aim of watching level 2. If it hold's at 6 i'll cover for a 10-20cent gain or if it breaks, the next resistance is 5.50. so it's a 10 centish risk for either a 20cent-70cent reward. Anyways, came in late whn it broke down 6.2, did good by waiting to short on a bounce. Short 2000 6.05.. crappy entry, risk/reward is even at best but if it breaks 6. It's one-sided in my favor. Position is unrealistic but overtraded in the morning, need to start focusing on less trades and choosing only those that have high risk/reward ratios. Watched it break 6 on level 2, risk/reward ratio is now in my favor.. Will hold and cover at 5.5 if it shows signs of holding. Wasn't watching when it tested 5.5.. Covered at 5.69.. A whole 19cents !! lousy, lousy exit.. 720$profit.. coulda should woulda covered at 5.5ish for a total of  910$ but not complaining. Covered my losses from overtrading in the morning. Good stuff.
^Hindsight review July14: Downtrending, nothing interesting, might breakdown below it's day high prior to the earnings results but i shouldn't care cuz volume sucks and shorting on earnings is bad, BAD, BAD.

POWR- Admin alert late afternoon of POWR having a new 100$mil contract. In 20mins ran fron 14.25 to 15.57. I know it's bad to chase but i chased it. 100 at 14.87, 200 at 15.11, 300 at 15.39, Sold 600 at 15.36. No regrets chasing it since i was trying it out, only bad thing was i sold on a dip. It's a the same high as back in 2007. Tried to buy in 300 right under the day's highs, stupid me still never learn to only buy AFTER the breakout. it was a double top and lost 10cent's covering into the close. Although uptrending late afternoon, woulda held o/n if it broke the day's high. Will watch on monday to see how price action is and have feedback if whether it was better to hold over the wkend or not. Might buy on a breakout of a spike on the bounce.
^Hindsight review July14: It gapped up on monday and held the gains. On Tuesday, it closed above its open but it's downtrending and broke support on the previous day's highs.

SGYP- Tried to go long as it's uptrending but daily price action sucks, it's better for a multi-day hold vs intra-day trade, which i have no experience on yet. I shoulda held since it's bouncing on a multi-day downtrend. Will monitor. My guess is that it'll uptrend all nxt wk until it tests 10$.
^Hindsight review July14: I'm such a boss.. 3trading days later and it's uptrending from it's low 8.65 and currently at 9.48, potential buy on breakout at year high of 10.ish.

ENZN- Yet another biotech play, Up on news but a good short next wk since biotech stocks haven't been holding their gains well at this market, it's at 3rd resistance yr long high. Has a tendency to have a double top then crash back down. This is a Known-Chart/Play. Will be watching closely nxt wk.
^Hindsight review July14: Sideways priceaction, i don't remember/can't find the "good news", anyways it's downtrending and not worth watching at all. July 9 was actually the day to trade, and july 10 was alrdy sideways action. Not worth watching/shorting since the risk/reward sucks.

TRUE- This is a GIVE ME and i missed it, Obviously losing so much yesterday, It should've been a main stock to watch. HUGE Rule and must learn from this for the future. Value buyer's spiked it in the morning, and i should've bought on the breakout of the spike. + knowing there will be shorts getting squeezed. 9.81-11.37 in under 20mins. tsk tsk.. coulda woulda shoulda 1k gain.
^Hindsight review July14: This is the best example i've seen of a chart getting overextended d/t a contract being dropped.

Did like 20 trades again today haha.. >_<.. The scalping strategies sucked as usual and it was well below 50/50.  But the BIG trades that were ACTUAL Chart/plays paid off big time. I was 3/3 on the big chart plays, reinforcing that aim small/miss small, odds were on my side and risk/reward was on my side. KONE/DANG/POWR 3 trades made up for more than 14+ scalping losses. was down almst 800$ from the scalping losses but the actual chart plays covered the losses and i came out 100$ up on the day for the first time. It's becoming obvious that i need to spend 1-2hrs preparation time prior to the market open to see which stocks are worth watching and having systems setup to spotting which stocks are worth watching.

Goals for next week: It's pretty obvious scalping is do-able but is lower risk/reward and lower odds than Tim's chart plays/strategies. 20trades in a day is a joke since i'll be under the PDT forcing me to only have 3trades in 5days.. Next week i'll be limiting myself to 5trades a day max by tuesday. Aim small, Miss small and sticking to the actual chart plays will give me better odds/minimizing risk.
^Hindsight review July14: 5trades a day max (not including scalps) is on track. Will start focusing on 2 trades max by nxt time i get on the market.

- Kaizen

Thursday, July 9, 2015

July 9 Trading day, SGYP, DANG, AMNC, TRUE

SGYP - Opened at 9.6, Shorted at 8.78 when level 2 shows breakdown, I shorted since this is the 2nd down day and had a nice morning collapse. Currently at 8.74, Shorted with hope that itll break down past 8.7 and collapse to the day's low 8.57, if not cover at 8.7. I WAS NOT WATCHING and it did not break 8.7 where i would've covered and now i'm getting squeezed at 8.9 when i finally started watching. Strong resistance at 9 in the morning so my plan is to risk 10 cents and sell if it looks like it's breaking out in level 2 or if it holds, cover close to where i shorted. covered at 8.83 since it'll be a speculative play if i hold til the afternoon. Gonna watch later in the after noon and re-short if there's a nice afternoon fade.

In an intra-day time scale, shorting seemed like a good idea, but in a multi-week, YTD time scale. It's better to be long. Biotech's as of late hasn't been holding their gains well though. This stock will prolly go up once the overall market regains itself from the recent crap in greece/china. I really need to watch the market better in the morning in order to spot those nice collapses and avoid trading mid day since there's crap volume.

May 22 Article: http://www.thestreet.com/story/13161361/1/synergy-pharmaceutical-sgyp-stock-gains-after-coverage-initiation.html This set a 11$ target price from 4$.
June 17 Article: http://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/hedge-funds-were-right-about-synergy-pharmaceuticals-inc-sgyp-shares-soaring-by-the-minute-up-65-today-354426/

What's with this stock? I still can't find the exact news for the catalyst for the gapup/spike on June 17. Whatever it is, There's trials on the 3rd quarter that might spike it up even more if the trials go well. This needs to go on my long-term watch list.

DANG - Staircase breakdown known chart but with a premarket news of a going private at 7.81price. Prev. close was 6.5 and today opened at 7.25. If i saw the news, this would've been a GO for shorting, yet again, I need to be setup prior to the market to have a gameplan ready and setup scanners for news/stocks. I shorted at a bounce mid-day and covered for a small cent gain when its consolidating. Gonna watch for afternoon action, might go long if there's strong buyers since it's still a dollar under its target price and possibly hold over night if it closes above its intra-day high. OR short if there's a nice afternoon fade since it's 30cents above yesterday's close and cover prior to closing bell.

Research'd the stock, so this is a chinese company play >_> that's going private. Completely understanding the play now and this would be a real play if i had an account. Also, my first trade on the paper accnt that went according to hypothesis and made a profit.

**** YahooFinance:
E-Commerce China Dangdang Inc. operates as a business-to-consumer e-commerce company in the People’s Republic of China. It primarily sells books, periodicals, electronic publications, consumer electronics, and audio-visual products through its Website dangdang.com. The company also sells general merchandise products, including fashion and apparel; beauty and personal care products; home and lifestyle products; baby, children, and maternity products; apparel and accessories; and footwear, handbags, and luggage. In addition, it operates the dangdang.com marketplace program, which enables third-party merchants to sell general merchandise products. The company was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Beijing, the People’s Republic of China.

AMCN - Weird stock, i don't know the catalyst's yet but bought in a dip and sold mid-day since it was sluggish for a few cents-gain. Research'd the stock.. This is yet ANOTHER chinese company, Anyways, was at $2 in apr, to a high of $7 in june, dropped 50% june12-june18 due to something i've yet to find out but currently has a class action lawsuit against them. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/securities-alert-rosen-law-firm-214100657.html . blah blah blah, so this company crashes to some misleading/fraudulent crap + chinese market crashing. Nice gap up on the rebound. Possible buy in the short-term til it hit's its last top at 5$, and another buy on the break-out. However the deadline for the class-action law-suit that looms over it is at aug. 24, gotta keep that in check. For the long-term, my guess atm is that the price is still trying to consolidate somehwere between $2/$3 to $7.. 2dollars is support since it's the previous lows, and 3dollars is support since it's previous highs prior to april before this misleading crap started. It can be anywhere in the low 4's or even bounce/breakout the 5$.. but what ever it is, it's the price action that prevails. I'll be watching this one closely till the end of august.

 **** YahooFinance:
AirMedia Group Inc. operates out-of-home advertising platforms primarily in the People's Republic of China. The company operates a network of digital TV screens on planes operated by seven airlines; traditional media in airports, such as light boxes, billboards, and painted advertisements; and gas station media displays, as well as other outdoor media displays out of the air travel advertising sector. It also displays non-advertising content, such as weather, sports, and comedy clips; and television programs, including documentaries and hidden camera type reality shows from other third-party content providers. In addition, the company holds concession rights to operate various traditional advertising media comprising billboards, light boxes, and other media platforms outside the air travel sector. As of March 31, 2015, its programs were placed on digital TV screens on planes operated by 7 airlines; and it operated 454 light boxes and billboards in 7 airports. The company also operates approximately 22 unipole signs and other outdoor media in locations throughout Beijing; and 6,966 tablets on high-speed trains in China. AirMedia Group Inc. was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in Beijing, the People's Republic of China.

Today's Trades:
- Bought 9.05 Sold 9.18
- *Bought 9.16 Sold 8.79 *Bought into the bounce breaking up thinking it was uptrending BUT it's still down in the day CRUCIAL Mistake
- Bought 8.82 Sold 8.99
- *Bought 9 and 9.05 Sold 8.98 *Same stupid mistake even worse since it was alrdy a lower high/lower low on the bounce, i finally learned this needs to be a short
- Short 8.72 Cover 8.71
- Short 8.63/8.74 Covered at 8.87 my memory is failing me, this is the scenario from up top
- Bought 6.94/6.86 Sold at 6.84 *Bought into the bounce breaking up thinking it was uptrending BUT it's still down in the day CRUCIAL Mistake
- Short 6.80/6.81 Covered 6.79
- Bought 4.66/4.73 Sold 4.75

Not including the SGYP trade where i wasn't watching.. 6 good trades/ 5 bad trades. Not bad for OVERTRADING. Thing i need to keep in mind:
1) Stocks downtrending and DOWN from OPEN, WHY did i try to go long on those 4 trades. If it wasn't for this CRUCIAL mistake, i would've only had 1 bad trade today.
2) 930-1030 is the power hour.. opening strategies start to fizzle once it gets close to mid day. I gotta make a chart on my monitor that Keeps me in check on Morning/Midday/early afternoon/lateafternoon or just REMEMBER TO LOOK AT THE CLOCK, #shorttermmemory.

General Thoughts: @1pm Since there's been a crash, and today was a good rally for the chinese markets, I'm wondering if i can organize a strategy around the chinese rally. These are chinese companies that are being traded on the US markets, if i can find out which ones they are, i might b able to make nice gains due to the rally.
@1:45pm Tim's comment: "I don't see ANYTHING worth trading, it's okay, it happens during the summer, just don't force trades." Yep, yesterday was watching up to 16symbols, made lots of mistakes, today just focused on 3 but even then. My strategies for the day have been mostly intra-day/short-term and the gains are on avg 2-5% profit plays to 5% on the downside. Although, im getting good probabilities on scalping.. and alot better than majority of the traders in the chatroom. I can see why tim always complains of scalpers, and if apply his rules to the teeth.. i'll prolly trade EVEN fewer but my probability of being right will skyrocket even more so on how i'm scalpng. That and my risk reward ratio at best atm is maybe 2-1? while the ones i've seen him do have been at the lowest 3-1 up to 5-1 plays. The market is slow atm, the only reason why im forcing trades is that so i'll have experience, but slowly, maybe in 2weeks.. I have to adapt from this style and more towards Tim's Strats. @315pm.. calling it a day.. Both DANG and AMCN are just fizzing out.. SGYP had a nice drop from 8.93-8.63 before fizzing at 8.70. I didnt catch it in time, ideally i should've shorted at 8.79 at the 2nd bounce, My entry ws at 8.73 on the 3rd bounce and exited at 8.7 just cause im tried of jst watching this crap... Started using alerts instead of watching the damn screen.. Since volume's dying out.. i really won't go in unless it goes below it's day's lows for both SGYP/DANG. Neither of these two are afternoon chart plays, in the future, unless it's close to the day's highs/lows.. prolly won't bother watching. @sometime before the close.. DANG Alert came off.. nice fade breaking the afternoon low but wasn't close to the day's low. Shorted at 6.81 Covered at 6.78 for 3cent share profit. SGYP Alert came off, faded close to the day's low, but did not break it.. Will neither be shorting SGYP/DANG overnight.
******* Good stuff though.. Michael goode's Alert in the classroom at 3:32 PM (While i watching SGYP/DANG) about TRUE should've' set me to watch TRUE.. It went g/r at 3:42 from 11.10 > 9.89 for an 11% drop.. Even if i missed the beginning, I would've shorted on the bounce at 10.45 and it closed at 10$ for a 5%. This is a late game panic chart/play with news, year low breakdown, multi-year low. I need to watch the chatroom for the admin/mods alerts and have a system where i can scan news/search a stock's profile in less than 3mins. Few people in the room ever caught on until around 3:45ish.. If i had been watching level 2 on it, i would've seen it coming as it was breaking out.
^Hindsight review July14: I'm an idiot for not watching the stock the nxt market day. Obviously overtended and was due for a bounce which it did the next market day.. gg.

- Kaizen

July 8 Trading Day, Random Crap

Wasn't gonna make a post but it's better if i do and im keepin' it short. This post is for yesterday's trading day.. Couldn't access SureTrader's platform. Finally got in just before 10am, Lousy start for 1st day, IPDN Did not gap-up, Sold it at the open since DIA, QQQ, NYSE all showing crappy days due to the greece crisis/Chinese crash. Anyways, there was no plays today but i messed around trying to make plays and OVERTRADING. Down 170$ at eod -3% which i think is not bad at all considering i was just speculating and i got out of trades fast when it wasn't going my way. I ended up noticing that since i didn't stick to known charts, what i was doing was basically just scalping. The market as a whole was a crap day anyways and i did very well limiting my losses. Got my first dip in the water and need to realize that the market as of late is doing crap, we're really due for a crash and probably gonna be in transition to a bear market. Shitty baseline for me to start but if i can learn from this bull-bear transition well, This is good in the future since it'll reinforce:

- Have your hypothesis before hand. Is this an actual known play? or am i just scalping?
- Stick to well-known plays and focus on less than 3 per day. Aim small, Miss small. If i miss a stock on the day, better miss it than play a trade wrong.
- Level 2 is good but I shouldn't watch it until the price action isn't where it's needed. I was scaring myself into trades i really didn't need to be today.
- If there isn't any known-plays. I shouldn't trade. Market's crap anyways and I'll be under the PDT rule when i first set out.

I needa write my trades down, the trial platform suretrader has doesn't have timestamps or i just haven't found the option yet. I'm like 90% unsure of what all these buttons do :D. But I only traded using 5k in about 10 trades.. most of the losses was in the start of the day and i learned from them quick cutting the losses in half down to 170. Although i was down, eod and it feels like crap, i gotta remember that if this was a real accnt, these are plays i wouldn't have played at all.

Things i'm curious on:
- After/Pre-market trading
- More level 2 stuff
- Setting up for the trading day
- Trading platform specifics

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fell behind, been getting sick..

Stocks being watched:

OGEN- Friday, good solid support at 1.65-1.7 from 2:30pm and on. Up on the day and 2nd day uptrend. Billionaire play; has news of a position in the stock. Today's high was 1.94.
Hypo: Buy at 1.7-1.75. Hoping for a gap up over the long weekend. 20cents upside with a 5cent risk at 1.65 support. If no gap up or news, be ready to sell position.
Result: Monday, No news and actually gapped down. DID NOT DO What i wanted, Sell full position at market open. Entry 1.7, Exit 1.78-1.83. Even though it didn't go my way, still a 3-6% profit. EXACT Same trade that tim would've done, show's im on right track when it comes to executing his strategy.

NUGN- Monday, 25cent drop 7% drop in 30mins since market open. Within that 30mins, has had lower highs and lower lows, Watching Level 2 would show resistance at 3.75 at 10am, 1st sign of a short. Broke down off it's day's low at 10:04, 2nd sign to short, I would short this with the hypothesis of selling at trend reversal on level 2. 10:12 shows resistance at 3.6, 3rd sign to short NOW !!. 10:22-10:25, Held at 3.35, bounce held at 3.4 showing reversal of trend, 1st sign to cover. 11:37-12:30ish. Testing resistance at 3.6, I SHOULD be covered waay before this, PRICE ACTION is not going as planned, 2nd sign to cover. I'm done for now, should babysit this on the side to see if it fades in the afternoon. Faded from 1pm-3:50pm at 3.75 til day lows, good sign to short overnight. Unsure of what size of a position i should take but good % play for a gap down/morning panic. Broke days low at closing, Hopefully, if this was a real trade, i would've at least took a small position.
Result: Short on morning panic, Entry: 3.65-3.75 at 2nd sign. Exit:3.4-3.47 or worst case 3.6 at 2nd sign for a 20-35cent/share gain or 5cent gain at shitty execution.
Hypothesis: Short a small-medium position just before Mondays close in anticipation for a gapdown/morning panic tomorrow morning. Entry 3.45-3.5, Exit at buyer strength.
Result: Monday closed at 3.32, Tuesday opened at 3.2 for a good gap down, This will be the main stock to watch in the am, will cover on the first sign of buyer strength. Dipped down to 3.07 5mins of open, next 10 mins show's buyers rallying up to 3.22, I have plenty of time to cover by this time, i need more practice at level 2 if i miss this obvious sign. I'll have another 1hr to cover below my short if im really blind. At end of day, higher highs, higher lows. Will only watch this stock if it has a good afternoon fade/panic. Entry 3.45-3.5, Exit at 3.07-3.22 for at least 23cents/share. Tim's trade was Entry at 3.57, Exit 3.12, I'm on right track but late on entry. He shorted after 2pm at lower lows and lower highs from noon, I shorted after 330pm. I need to make sure to compare late day to mid day trending.

Rationalizing tim's trades:
IPDN- Tuesday, Up on good news, Tim's trades was 4k entry at 2.75 at 0948 and 4k exit at 2.8 at 1006. 9k Entry at 2.52, "bought on a big dip, looking for an end of day squeeze/morning spike tomorrow wednesday, goal is to make 30-50cents/share, its traded nearly half its float today and has solid base in the 2.30s so limited risk dipbuyinig, only question is can it still spike, given the news and 1day of spiking I think it can, we'll see"

Tim saw it on the %gainer, bought on breakout at 2.75 and closed on signs of a double top (15min duration). I need to make master that entry and recognize that double top/execute that exit, if given another 5mins, i would've closed under my entry for a loss. Babysit on the side til afternoon, Opened at 2.15, shows good support at 2.3, stock been fighting at 2.3-2.5, Tim bought on the breakout at 2.5 and closed strong at 2.7 just under the days highs. Risk is 20cent downside, he's currently up 20cents and hypothesis is that it'll gap up/morning spike. I would close my position immediately if downtrends back to 2.5 tomorrow.

Thoughts on progress:
Today's plays i feel familiar with, so with a 5k paper trading capital, been entering with 66-75% of worth. I need to catch up to the alerts/vids by tomorrow and at least login the chatroom on wednesday's trading day. Current trades are in hindsight and calculations of gains/losses are very conservative, need to catch up to finally watch the stocks in real-time. Find more vids in regards with how big of a position size i should enter with and risk/reward ratios. On the downside, I need to be careful of being overconfident. Conviction > Confidence by Gregg S. "Lx21".

Vids: Lessons from a $10million+ Penny Stock Trader, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXzJm85mtns

- Kaizen

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Starting this blog for the sole purpose of keeping track of my goals/thoughts/progress.

One week in studying day trading, was almost two weeks behind since i let the lessons stack before actually starting. Only a few days behind now, completed vid lesson #17, finally caught up. A few more days and i'll be caught up with the chatroom. Major stocks to watch for a crash are JIDG and NUGN.

Chart patterns/Plays somewhat familiar:
1) Buying technical breakouts
2) Shorting into the pump and dump

Things to work on:
1) Aim small, miss small.
2) Have a setup prior to your trade. What's your hypothesis? What's your risk/reward?
3) If things don't go according to your hypothesis, GET OUT !! Take small losses.

1) What's the PLAY?
2) How's the overall market?
3) How's the sector?
4) How's previous patterns?
5) What's the "Catalyst"?
6) What's your specific target/mental stop loss?
7) Check prior resistances/support on a 1week, 1month, 3month, 6month, 1yr, 3yr+ Timeframes.

During the trade:
1) Is it trending according to my hypothesis?
2) Have the hypothesis charted out as an easy to see visual next to the PC just cause i have a short memory.

Goals for the week: (Ends on 11 July 2015)
1) Minimum 4hrs/night studying and get caught up on the video lesson intros.
2) Get caught up with the chatroom and be able to follow the chatroom daily.

3) Start going through the other pinned vids in PS. Dashboard and video lessons starting from Jan 1, 2015 to get a feel of how the market is.

Goals for the upcoming months:
1) July 20: Start paper trading.
2) Aug 1-Aug 16: Master T.G. Ticker Tradings strategies.
3) End of Aug- Sept. 13 Deadline: Open 2 accounts IB/SureTrader.

Great Quotes:
1) Stick to Known Patterns
2) Aim Small, Miss Small
3) If things don't go according to plans, GET OUT !! Take the small losses
4) Be humble or else the Stock Market will humble you
5) Live and Enjoy life when there's NO great trades
6) Keep moving forward
7) Integrity and Excellence in all I do.

- Kaizen