Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Weekly Review

From Last Week:
Sun/Monday - Finished TIMdicators DVD 5/6 and Learn Level II DVD 1-5

Tues - TAPS Class

Wed - TAPS Class

Thur - TAPS Class

Fri - TAPS Class

Cons for the week
- No real exercise days
- Didn't complete my planned DVD hours

- Am behind on DVD Hours but increased my communication skills and listening skills "Vital for trading".  After sitting down with a very powerful psychotherapist, It feels like whats been bothering my life has been calmed down somewhat.  I will have a post detailing more on this in the next week or so.

Finished The Untethered Soul, will be boosting up my reading to 1 book a week after my DPE is done.

Schedule for the Upcoming Week

- The next two weeks be very light with very minimum expectation.  I have my DPE coming up in 2 weeks so whatever I can study is a bonus.
- Chip away on my goals one day at a time

- Finish Learn Level II
- Total 2.1-20+hrs of DVDs (8.5Hours Last week*)
- Get Started or Finish on New Rules of Pennystocking

Habits Update

Rituals (For Work Days)
As soon as I wake up (Mornaing Ritual)
- Drink Water/Take Vitamins
- Floss/Brush Teeth/Listerine
- Record Blood Pressure/5min Journal/Plan out my day
- Stretch Phys. Therapy Regimen

On the road to work
- 30mins of Audiobook

Once I have downtime at work
- Challenge Content

On the road from work
- 30mins of Audiobook

As soon as I get home (In progress)
- Study 0700 - 1030, 5min Journal/Meditation
- Bed routine by 1120 Asleep by 1200

Rituals (For Off Days)
As soon as I wake up (Morning Ritual)
- Drink Water/Take Vitamins
- Floss/Brush Teeth/Listerine
- Record Blood Pressure/5min Journal/Plan out my day
- Stretch Phys. Therapy Regimen

Anything goes on my off day

"Once I have a system, the only thing that matters is the six inches between my ears..."

--------------------------- For December -------------------------------
**** Gamblers think about profits, Traders think about Risk ****
Shifting my attitude/mindset from making money and towards:

1) Risk Management
- Know risk prior to trade
- Know stop loss prior to trade
- Size position accordingly to the stop loss

2) Managing Emotions
- No more zombie trading
- No more revenge trading

3) Managing Mind
- Regular Meditations
- Objectivity Exercises

Mandatory Weekly Goals....
A) Zero (0) Zombie trades
B) Zero (0) Revenge trades
C) Trade only quality/Go-To-Setups.. (Think retired trader)

** Something I want to do in the future--Watch a stock's price action with NO indicators

Rule: If I have either 1 zombie trade or 1 revenge trade during February, I will sit out from trading for a mandatory 1 week cooling off. This will be a negative incentive that will turn me off from making those type of trades since almost all my motivation and raison d'ĂȘtre currently is daytrading.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Weekly Review

Misc Blogging
Wed/Thur - Chose to finish Power of Now and did the posts prior to this instead of getting some hours into the DVD in.

Fri - Homebodied? it... it was a nice day away from things..

Sat - Got 1 DVD in and got halfway through The Untethered Soul.

Finished Tim Fundamentals Part Deux DVD 3/4
Finished TIMdicators DVD 1/2/3/4

16hrs 10mins DVDs Finished / Finished last 1/2 of Power of Now / Finshed 1/2 of The Untethered Soul.

Cons for the week
- No real exercise days
- Not really a con but traded 2 days of DVD watching into finishing the book I was behind on.

- Even though I had 3 days where I didn't watch DVD's.  I still managed to get ~16hrs in.

"Once I have a system, the only thing that matters is the six inches between my ears..."

I've got a hectic schedule with my 6am-6pm filled with traveling to this mandatory 1 week Transition Assistance Program at the base so it'll be a light week.  Then in 3 weeks I have my Annual DPE that will cut into my study schedule as well.

Schedule for the Upcoming Weeks
Finish TIMdicators DVD 5/6

Learn Level II DVD 1/2

Learn Level II DVD 3/4

Learn Level II DVD 5/6

Finish/Learn Level II DVD 7/8

Start New Rules of Pennystocking DVD (My Last DVD!!! 19hrs long though)

Finish TIMdicators
- Finish Learn Level II
- Finish The Untethered Soul
- Total 11.3hrs of DVDs and 1 Book (16.1hrs Last week*)
- Get Started on New Rules of Pennystocking

Habits Update

Rituals (For Work Days)
As soon as I wake up (Mornaing Ritual)
- Drink Water/Take Vitamins
- Floss/Brush Teeth/Listerine
- Record Blood Pressure/5min Journal/Plan out my day
- Stretch Phys. Therapy Regimen

On the road to work
- 30mins of Audiobook

Once I have downtime at work
- Challenge Content

On the road from work
- 30mins of Audiobook

As soon as I get home (In progress)
- Study 0700 - 1030, 5min Journal/Meditation
- Bed routine by 1120 Asleep by 1200

Rituals (For Off Days)
As soon as I wake up (Morning Ritual)
- Drink Water/Take Vitamins
- Floss/Brush Teeth/Listerine
- Record Blood Pressure/5min Journal/Plan out my day
- Stretch Phys. Therapy Regimen

Anything goes on my off day

--------------------------- For December -------------------------------
**** Gamblers think about profits, Traders think about Risk ****
Shifting my attitude/mindset from making money and towards:

1) Risk Management
- Know risk prior to trade
- Know stop loss prior to trade
- Size position accordingly to the stop loss

2) Managing Emotions
- No more zombie trading
- No more revenge trading

Mandatory Weekly Goals....
A) Zero (0) Zombie trades
B) Zero (0) Revenge trades
C) Trade only quality/Go-To-Setups.. (Think retired trader)

** Something I want to do in the future--Watch a stock's price action with NO indicators

Rule: If I have either 1 zombie trade or 1 revenge trade during February, I will sit out from trading for a mandatory 1 week cooling off. This will be a negative incentive that will turn me off from making those type of trades since almost all my motivation and raison d'ĂȘtre currently is daytrading.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Achieving higher dimensions

Picture a tablet, whether it's iOS or Android it doesn't matter.  Now picture a Strong PC with the best processor and graphics card, souped up with the fastest Hard Drive.

Tablet = Lower dimension

PC = Higher dimension

Now, picture using the tablet to "connect remotely" to the PC.  The tablet itself is vastly inferior to the PC's capabilities due to it's physical properties, but now that it's remotely connected to the PC, the tablet can tap into the PC's resources to achieve a higher processing capability than it physically can by itself.

I cannot run a PC game using a tablet, it's just too weak.  But if i leave my computer on at home, and connect to it using the tablet at Starbucks, use a bluetooth mouse/keyboard with my tablet--I can virtually play a PC game "on" my tablet. Physically, i'm not playing the PC game on the tablet, i'm playing it through the tablet that is remotely connected to a PC at home.  But information wise, I AM playing a PC game on my tablet. 

It's so weird because in physics, it's exactly how lower dimensions can interact with higher dimensions or how humans can interact with higher dimensions that we are supposedly "incapable" of comprehending.  But that's where the link is, our minds are stuck in this dimension--to "comprehend" is to restrict ourselves to the physical realm.  To access higher dimensions, we have to reach out by not using our mind but of other ways.

What is reality? This physical realm for 3 dimensions + time or something we call SpaceTime or is it it the information or thought that i'm receiving from the spacetime?  This is why I think we exist not in just the dimensions of space and time but of other dimensions as well at least our "consciousness" is what exists simultaneously withing the dimensions we know and our portal to the "higher realms".

Anyways, I thought this was pretty awesome example of how the M-theory and membrane theory works.  Can't wait for what else quantum mechanics can rediscover for us.

Study habits, GRIT, Resilience, Profitable Trading Systems

Asked my sister a few questions that I've already guessed what the answers were going to be somewhat.  It was nice hearing it from her though so it wasn't me guessing probabilities or my mind telling me what the real "truth" was.

I've always felt that we think alike but we have our differences due to how our life experiences and goals are.  Funny/expected but at the same time creepy to hear that our study habits/patterns/preferences are exactly the same, so what was the reason that she was able to adapt from high school/college/med school where I failed going into high school/college > business life?

High school was easy for us.. College was easy for us.. Med school was NOT EASY for her but with GRIT and RESILIENCY she was able to adapt to what was needed to get through med school.  She had a goal but she didn't relish in the goal more than she focused on the process to get to it.  When she studied, she naturally got A's but that wasn't the main motivation to why she studied in the first place.  When I asked the question "what got you through?".  Her response was similar to responses of those who in studies was assessed to just happened to have a high amount of "Grit".

High school was easy for me.. College was easy for me.. Working/Self-employed status/Entrepreneurship was easy to learn and understand but NOT EASY to live through and apply.  When I was younger, whether I studied or not.. I'd get "A's".  When things got harder after college, when I "studied", it was so that I can get that "A".  Instead on focusing on the "process" of getting an "A", I lived the result instead--causing my productivity and results to collapse.  What made it worse was whenever I wasn't reaching my "personal expectations" or other people's "expectations of me", instead of getting back up and being resilient.-- I kept digging myself deeper and deeper into a hole til I mentally collapsed.

Don't tell your kid they're smart, instead praise them on their hardworking ethic or their discipline.  Telling them they're smart has a chance they'd actually believe it (delusional) and put little value on what it really takes to be "successful" which are grit, resiliency, discipline, etc.

I wish I knew the difference when I was younger.. IQ is not a measure of "smartness" or "subject-matter expert".  When I finally realized that I am not like majority of people and that I have a very high IQ is when I came to terms that IQ is OVERRATED, as more recent studies shows and seeing how forward-thinking companies hire.  Grit, overall ability to work in a team and social/emotional IQ synergy are bigger factors to better results than IQ ever was or will be.

Don't constantly compare others to your kids or your kids to others.  Comparing has its value of measuring your progress or having a goal to strive for but constantly comparing how others are more "successful" might cause your kid to have a sense of lacking something when they're fine the way they are.

Teach EXCELLENCE to your kids.  Aim or strive high but never push PERFECTION, instead push for excellence.  Humans naturally make mistakes and mistakes are vital for learning.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't a stab at parents out there.  I was also delusional and let my mind control me to the point that I guess I was "depressed".  I still see things and hear things but thankfully i'm grounded to this reality somehow and don't fall to other side like those i've seen with full blown mania.  This is just something to accept as it is and move forward from it.  Increasing awareness really was a big thing it kinda sucks because I have a troop that I know is depressed but is hard for him to realize that he's depressed.  I'm resorting to the mental health clinic last since I know how easy they are to push meds in the military instead of teaching him how to deal with it.

It's sad that we're still teaching Id, Ego, SuperEgo and it needs to be removed from books.  Freud was on to something (albeit completely off) when he came up with it but the Greeks, Romans, Hindus, Buddhists, Native Americans, others (I haven't studied anything middle eastern, african, etc) have already had come up with a much more refined explanation of the human psyche. Most of his shit, we've moved on from--let's move on from id, ego, superego cause this bullshit is still what we base psychoanalysis on.. But it is what it is, this is one of the things i've fought against mentally for years but just come to accept which is majority and a great majority of people are stupid (including cough mental health professors who flunked me) relative to meeeeeeeeeee ;D.  Meds aren't the solution for everything and mental health at Tinker AFB/Kadena AB is shit.

Why are all this important?  There are no trading systems that are 100%.  Even the best profitable traders like George Soros are happy with 60% edge or even 51%.  But growing up, you have been conditioned that anything less than 90% is a FAIL or if you aren't #1 you have failed.  Don't aim for PERFECTION, instead aim for EXCELLENCE.  You will FAIL and make mistakes in trading, but as long as you limit your risk and let your profits run-- you will be profitable.

"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."  - Nietzche

When I stare into the stock market, its like looking at a mirror.  It's so strange, i've heard someone say it before but what you are as a person is what the stock market will spit back at you.  If your a disciplined person, your trades will be disciplined; if your messed up in the head, your trades will also be messed up.  I've got alot of work to do..

I am not my emotions, I am not my mind, I am.

It's still so weird when I think back on how I was pre-high school.  I was "seeing" things that other people couldn't see.  What made it worse was that I couldn't communicate it to others to where they might've at least had a chance to understand what it was I was trying to say.  It made me so frustrated that I got so mad at the world for being so stupid not knowing at that time that my own lack of understanding of what I had and lack of communication skills added to the madness.

One thing was clear though, I became scared of my mind.  I was aware of it but did not fully accept it since I was so scared to face it.  I know i have it because since 6th grade when it first hit me, I started to have an extreme phobia of fiction books-- I've stopped watching TV and if I do watch a series of some sort, I get unbearable pain trying to watch the last episodes.  I'm so scared to tap into my mind because I know how powerful it can be and I'm scared that I might go crazy.  The mind likes to play tricks and I felt it was trying to control me.  It wasn't me, I knew it wasn't me but it keeps thinking on it's own and influencing me.  Thoughts start to rush and I start thinking of things that wasn't real but it felt so real.  They're just thoughts but they start to have an impact on my physical body,  How is that possible??  With just a small change of how I think, I have pains in my core, start hearing things, start seeing things, heart rate speeds up, time can slow down, i start "seeing" glimpses of the future.. it's so scary, i couldn't figure out what was going on.. ** (Back to present) I was able to pause right before I started a trade back in December, I was so aware of what I was about to do that I took my pulse right before I initiated the trade. 85bpm.. I clicked BUY and got into the trade-- my heart rate nearly double to 150 in just a few seconds.. that is insane, the only difference was that in me knowing I was "IN" a trade caused my heart rate to speed up..**

Whatever it was, I ignored it for so long.. I became unhappy and emotional to what was going on at that time.  I couldn't communicate effectively to others what it was that I was seeing on how the things weren't right.  To counteract the unhappiness, I started to study Friedrich Nietzche and fell into a nihilistic view.  I didn't know at the time but my mind had already taken over.  On the outside I was on track with life goals, after i finished nursing and got my 1st job-- I was completing my BSN, have my Life/health/property/casualty insurance licenses, have my securities license, and was just about to take the Texas Realtor Exam.  I was making 80k/yr as a new RN and was about to get another jump to 90k/yr in another 6months.  This did not include that potential commissions I was about to make in real estate and insurance.  The goal was to invest at least 40k/yr in real estate, in 10 years I estimated to have over $500,000 to build at least a passive income of $3,000/mo in which I can retire.  I was doing what I had planned but I was dead on the inside.

Why was I doing this?  What's the real motivation for earning so much money? Was I really doing it for myself or just to fulfill someone else's sense of what I should be doing.  I started crashing mentally, and slowly physically as well.  I hit 112 lbs at one point and had headaches that lasted for weeks.  I knew something was wrong but couldn't "wake" out of it.  Best thing I did after 3yrs of being in a rut was to leave it all behind and reverse my situation/thoughts.

Join the airforce.. as an officer and make alot of money? nah.. I needed to go to the lows of the lows.. where money, hopes, expectations were relatively non-existent.  Chose being a grunt, where the mind/intelligence is not needed and only a warm body counted.  I needed to see how people with "low IQ" has it figured out because someone with "high IQ" was losing it.

Life sucked so bad but I learned how to embrace the suck.  RESILIENCY was the name of the game I was learning to play.  With no expectations set of me as I was just a little low rank unimportant me, I was able to hone in on myself and increase my awareness..

In the first year, I learned how to defeat my anxiety.  I had an epiphany one night on WHY I was always looking towards the future.  I was a very, very OCD and organized person when I put my MIND to it, but when my MIND is in control, it can't stop thinking about the future and is always planning things I didn't want to happen.  It's good when it's controlled, but uncontrolled planning leads to extreme dreading of the future.  Planning for the future is good but I shouldn't "LIVE" in the future.  I learned to just spend a very small time thinking/planning and instead of focus on the NOW moment or focus on DOING what was planned.  This is the start of when the week-long headaches started to stop.

In the third year, during my slow grind fighting my mind, a "new" old idea came up.  I've always deprived myself of certain "happinesses" so that I can save money for the future.  Examples are of not buying materialistic things.  But to try to be "happy", I got into a relationship.  It was a weird relationship because my mind was throwing red-flags about it all over the place.  Even the girl always mentioned it to me that on the first time we met, that it seemed forced on my part.  It was true, I was forcing myself to be "happy" and let emotions take control.  Fast-forward months later and I had to finally listen to my mind.  The worst way to live is a reactive way to your emotions.  That's when I realized that the mind is a good thing when it is controlled, the mind is what can "control" emotions.

I finally learned that emotions are always going to be there.  As much as I "try" to be a Heero-Yuy and pretend that I don't have emotions, emotions are always going to be there.  The key that I found out is not in "controlling" emotions, but controlling my "responses" to the emotions.  That was a huge insight since I've separated the emotions from the "me".  Furthermore, staring into the stock market, there's a saying that truly hit me-- Staring into the stock market is like a mirror, all you will see is yourself.  And what I saw was someone that was in need of repair badly..

During my fifth year, controlling emotions and bad behaviors due to emotions was the game.  My trades from December 2016 resulted in losses due to emotional trading.  I intensely upped learning how habit formations work, how behaviors work, how to replace bad habits/behaviors, how to be disciplined to be much more effective in trading.

Summer 2017, I traded crypotcurrencies.  Losses due to emotional trading was still there but I was much more aware of it and was able to set up systems to limit my reactions to emotions therefore limiting my losses somewhat.  Majority of my losses was now due to my mind playing tricks on me.  I became even more aware that my mind was its own entity.  I mean it wasn't anything new that I didn't know-- i've tried to fight it before.  But unlike before, instead of fighting it, I started to apply what I learned with my emotions... to just accept that it's there and not to judge it.  Since I started to accept it and no longer identified myself with it, it was much easier to practice seeing things in the external world without passing judgement on them which is exactly what is needed to reach my goals in trading.

Rest of 2017-- Mindfulness and increasing attention are now the name of the game.  Increasing my ability to see things with more level-headedness/objectiveness is that last thing I need to learn before I start trading again.


This next few paragraphs is something I sensed back in high school but was never really clear to me, I just felt that it was there but it wasn't very refined.  Stumbling upon this paragraph clears it up for me..

In "The Power of Now," Eckart Tolle wrote:



Is there a difference between happiness and inner peace?

Yes. Happiness depends on conditions being perceived as positive; inner peace does not.

Is it not possible to attract only positive conditions into our life? If our attitude and our thinking are always positive, we would manifest only positive events and situations, wouldn't we?

Do you truly know what is positive and what is negative? Do you have the total picture? There have been many people for whom limitation, failure, loss, illness, or pain in whatever form turned out to be their greatest teacher.  It taught them to let go of false self-images and superficial ego-dictated goals and desires.  It gave them gepth, humility, and compassion.  It made them more real.

Whenever anything negative happens to you, there is a deep lesson concealed within it, although you may not see it at the time.  Even a brief illness or an accident can show you what is real and unreal in your life, what ultimately matters and whta doesn't.

Seen from a higher perspective, conditions are always positive.  To be more precise; they are neither positive nor negative.  They are as they are.  And when you live in complete acceptance of what is -- which is the only sane way to live __ there is no "good" or "bad" in your life anymore.  There is only a higher good -- which includes the "bad."  Seen from the perspective of the mind, however, there is good-bad, like-dislike, love-hate.  Hence, in the Book of Genesis, it is said that Adam and Eve were no longer allowed to dwell in "paradise" when they "ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."

This sounds to me like denial and self-deception.  When something dreadful happens to me or someone close to me -- accident, illness, pain of some kind, or death -- I can pretend that it isn't bad, but the fact remains that it is bad, so why deny it?

You are not pretending anything.  You are allowing it to be as it is, that's all.  This "allowing to be" takes you beyond the mind with its resistance patterns that create the positive-negative polarities.  It is an essential aspect of forgiveness.  Forgiveness of the present is even more important than forgiveness of the past.  If you forgive every moment -- allow it to be as it is -- then there will be no accumulation of resentment that needs to be forgiven at some later time.

Remember that we are not talking about happiness here.  For example, when a loved one has just died, or you feel your own death approaching, you cannot be happy.  It is impossible.  But you can be at peace.  There may be sadness and tears, but provided that you have relinquished resistance, underneath the sadness you will feel a deep serenity, a stillness, a sacred presence.  This is the emanation of Being, this is inner peace, the good that has no opposite.

What if it is a situation that I can do something about?  How can I allow it to be and change it at the same time?

Do what you have to do.  In the meantime, accept what is.  Since mind and resistance are synonymous, acceptance immediately frees you from mind dominance and thus reconnects you with Being.  As a result, the usual ego motivations for "doing" -- fear, greed ,control, defending or feeding the false sense of self -- will cease to operate.  An intelligence much greater than the mind is now in charge, and so a different quality of consciousness will flow into your doing.

"Accept whatever comes to you woven in the pattern of your destiny, for what could more aptly fit your needs?"  This was written two thousand years ago by Marcus Aurelius, one of those exceedingly rare humans who possessed worldly power as well as wisdom.

This is so stupid and funny at the same time... I posted a quote from Lao Tzu last year and contrary to what was depicted.  I always thought it said control your emotions.. Looking back now, the chains are also on the MIND... -_-;; tsk tsk... it's so sad to have something staring at you in the face yet you fail to completely comprehend what is in front of you because your too busy listening to what your mind says instead of listening to what's in front of you... well for the future of my trading... this is no more.. I am not my emotions, I am not my mind, I am.

  No to Nihilism

  Marcus Aurelius "Meditations"



Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Weekly Review

Misc Blogging
Doing my weekly review on Tuesday, I forgot to do it on the wkend and wasn't able to do it til then.  My sleep schedule is reversed as I am awake during the day for the next two weeks.  Sunday was so and so studying at mokabe coffeehouse, I was able to get into a routine at sbux by monday.

Haven't been able to meditate or focus on increasing being present this week or read my assigned book.  Came back from the Phys. Therapist and have included the prescribed stretching regimen to my morning routine.

I was really ahead at the beginning of the week but since I was ahead, I ended up skipping wed/thursdays and fell behind.  Re-arranged what was on the schedule with another DVD and still made a good amount of studying done for the week.

Finished Tim Raw
Finished ShortStocking
Finished Tim Fundamentals Part Deux DVD 1/2

Cons for the Week
- Skipped 2 study days when I was ahead
- No real exercise days

Pros for the Week
- Last week, I can't remember exactly but it was around ~13hrs worth of content.  This week I went through 18hrs as planned.

"Once I have a system, the only thing that matters is the six inches between my ears..."

Schedule for the Upcoming Weeks
Finished Tim Fundamentals Part Deux DVD 3/4

Finished Tim Raw DVD 1/2/3/4

Timdicators DVD 1/2/3

Finish Timdicators DVD 4/5/6

Finish Learn Level II

New Rules of Pennystocking DVD 1/2

Finish Tim Fundamentals Part Deux
- Finish Tim Raw
- Finish Timdicators
- Finish Power of Now *Pending*
- Total 36.3hrs of DVDs and 1 Book (13.1hrs Last week*)

Habits Update

Rituals (For Work Days)
As soon as I wake up (Mornaing Ritual)
- Drink Water/Take Vitamins
- Floss/Brush Teeth/Listerine
- Record Blood Pressure/5min Journal/Plan out my day
- Stretch Phys. Therapy Regimen

On the road to work
- 30mins of Audiobook

Once I have downtime at work
- Challenge Content

On the road from work
- 30mins of Audiobook

As soon as I get home (In progress)
- Study 0700 - 1030, 5min Journal/Meditation
- Bed routine by 1120 Asleep by 1200

Rituals (For Off Days)
As soon as I wake up (Morning Ritual)
- Drink Water/Take Vitamins
- Floss/Brush Teeth/Listerine
- Record Blood Pressure/5min Journal/Plan out my day
- Stretch Phys. Therapy Regimen

Anything goes on my off day

--------------------------- For December -------------------------------
**** Gamblers think about profits, Traders think about Risk ****
Shifting my attitude/mindset from making money and towards:

1) Risk Management
- Know risk prior to trade
- Know stop loss prior to trade
- Size position accordingly to the stop loss

2) Managing Emotions
- No more zombie trading
- No more revenge trading

Mandatory Weekly Goals....
A) Zero (0) Zombie trades
B) Zero (0) Revenge trades
C) Trade only quality/Go-To-Setups.. (Think retired trader)

** Something I want to do in the future--Watch a stock's price action with NO indicators

Rule: If I have either 1 zombie trade or 1 revenge trade during February, I will sit out from trading for a mandatory 1 week cooling off. This will be a negative incentive that will turn me off from making those type of trades since almost all my motivation and raison d'ĂȘtre currently is daytrading.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Weekly Review

Misc Blogging
Was able to practice mindfulness and being present this week.  No set time in the day, just whenever i'm free atm.

Finished TimTactics, wasn't really into the DVD too much since it was 2009 and it was static charts with Tim talking in the background.  Finished maybe ~15hours this week but it feels like I didn't take much from the DVDs, probably since I was multi-tasking most of the duration of it.  Will try to reach at least 3hrs/day next week but with concentration, I will most likely sneak it in during work hours.

Didn't have a full exercise at all this week, I will come up with a PT schedule by the end of the week, I'm not feeling as full of energy than last week.

Cons for the Week
- Wasn't very concentrated on the week's DVDs

Pros for the Week
- Started practicing mindfulness and concentration skills

"Once I have a system, the only thing that matters is the six inches between my ears..."

Schedule for the Upcoming Weeks
Tim Raw DVD 1/2

Tim Raw DVD 3/4

Finish Tim Raw DVD
ShortStocking DVD 1/2

ShortStocking DVD 3/4
Finish Shortstocking

Learn Level 2 DVD 1/2/3/4
Finish Learn Level 2

Start Tim Raw
Finish Power of Now

- Finish Time Raw
- Finish Shortstocking
- Finish Learn Level 2
- Finish Power of Now
- Total 18.3hrs of DVDs and 1 Book

Habits Update

Rituals (For Work Days)
As soon as I wake up (Mornaing Ritual)
- Drink Water/Take Vitamins
- Floss/Brush Teeth/Listerine
- Record Blood Pressure/5min Journal/Plan out my day

On the road to work
- 30mins of Audiobook

Once I have downtime at work
- Challenge Content

On the road from work
- 30mins of Audiobook

As soon as I get home (In progress)
- Study 0700 - 1030, 5min Journal/Meditation
- Bed routine by 1120 Asleep by 1200

Rituals (For Off Days)
As soon as I wake up (Morning Ritual)
- Drink Water/Take Vitamins
- Floss/Brush Teeth/Listerine
- Record Blood Pressure/5min Journal/Plan out my day

Anything goes on my off day

--------------------------- For December -------------------------------
**** Gamblers think about profits, Traders think about Risk ****
Shifting my attitude/mindset from making money and towards:

1) Risk Management
- Know risk prior to trade
- Know stop loss prior to trade
- Size position accordingly to the stop loss

2) Managing Emotions
- No more zombie trading
- No more revenge trading

Mandatory Weekly Goals....
A) Zero (0) Zombie trades
B) Zero (0) Revenge trades
C) Trade only quality/Go-To-Setups.. (Think retired trader)

** Something I want to do in the future--Watch a stock's price action with NO indicators
Rule: If I have either 1 zombie trade or 1 revenge trade during February, I will sit out from trading for a mandatory 1 week cooling off. This will be a negative incentive that will turn me off from making those type of trades since almost all my motivation and raison d'ĂȘtre currently is daytrading.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Weekly Review

Misc Blogging
I still have yet to exercise mindfulness/increasing focus.  ** Still in progress **

** Things to apply this week **
1) Experiment inserting meditations somewhere during my day (From Last weeks)
2) At my current rate of 1hr/day on the challenge, it will take me 4months to finish the dvds.  I will be increasing my challenge hrs to at least 3hrs and no more than 5hrs per day.

"Once I have a system, the only thing that matters is the six inches between my ears..."

Habits Update
- Will be increasing TimChallenge hours/day to at least 3hrs no more than 5.

Rituals (For Work Days)
As soon as I wake up (Morning Ritual)
- Drink Water/Take Vitaamins
- Floss/Brush Teeth/Listerine
- Record Blood Pressure/5min Journal/Plan out my day

On the road to work
- 30mins of Audiobook

Once I have downtime at work
- Challenge Content

On the road from work
- 30mins of Audiobook

As soon as I get home (In progress)
- Workout til 0700
- Study til 1130, 5min Journal
- Bed routine by 1220 Asleep by 1300-1330

Rituals (For Off Days)
As soon as I wake up (Morning Ritual)
- Drink Water/Take Vitamins
- Floss/Brush Teeth/Listerine
- Record Blood Pressure/5min Journal/Plan out my day

Anything goes on my off day

Schedule for the Upcoming Weeks
Finish TimLine
Start TimTactics

Finish up to TimTactics DVD 2

Finish up to TimTactics DVD 4

Finish TimTactics
Start New Rules of Pennystocking

Start New Rules of Pennystocking DVD 4

Finish New Rules of Pennystocking

--------------------------- For December -------------------------------
**** Gamblers think about profits, Traders think about Risk ****
Shifting my attitude/mindset from making money and towards:

1) Risk Management
- Know risk prior to trade
- Know stop loss prior to trade
- Size position accordingly to the stop loss

2) Managing Emotions
- No more zombie trading
- No more revenge trading

Mandatory Weekly Goals....
A) Zero (0) Zombie trades
B) Zero (0) Revenge trades
C) Trade only quality/Go-To-Setups.. (Think retired trader)

** Something I want to do in the future--Watch a stock's price action with NO indicators
Rule: If I have either 1 zombie trade or 1 revenge trade during February, I will sit out from trading for a mandatory 1 week cooling off. This will be a negative incentive that will turn me off from making those type of trades since almost all my motivation and raison d'ĂȘtre currently is daytrading.